Page 6 of Worthy of Fate
How Eamon was able to let us stay here without swearing citizenship to Riyah was a question that had never been answered.
The Riyah Nation was a neutral House located in the continent’s center, bordered by the other six nations—well, five now. Riyah was the only Nation that a Lord or Lady didn’t run. In place of one leader, Riyah was governed by multiple, consisting of the Sages and Scholars. The Sages were spiritually enhanced, swearing their life to obeying them and upholding the balance of the realm. The Scholars were dedicated to keeping record of unbiased knowledge, and educating. Sages and Scholars held no allegiance to any other Nation. Both of which had to make great sacrifices to obtain their title, giving up any abilities by going through a ritual, as well as never bearing children.
And the sacrifices extended to the citizens as well. It was the reason Riyah’s housing ring in Ilrek was so small. Few lived in the city permanently, but many frequented for travel. You could only reside in the Nation if you became a citizen. In order to do that, you had to have never declared citizenship anywhere else, and only then could you request the Council of Sages to take away your ability to bear children. It was a brutal decision and one that someone didn’t take lightly. Unlike the Sages and Scholars, the citizens themselves were able to keep their abilities.
“I apologize, but I’m spent from my travels and would like to rest.” He turned to me, and I didn’t bother trying to hide my exhaustion from showing. All I could think about was my bathing tub waiting for me.
“Of course, child.” His face portrayed understanding with a soft smile. While Eamon was not my father, he was my guardian and had practically raised me here at Morah with Malina and Nikan, giving us a better life than we would have had without him.
“Oh, and before you go,” Eamon spoke again. “A Roav is needed. Since you just returned and Nikan is away, I’ll be sending Malina. Inform her when you see her and take a few days to rest.”
“Thank you, Eamon.”
With a wave, I left the study and rushed to my bedchamber. After running my hot bath, I stripped my clothes off and threw them on the floor, pouring in the eucalyptus oil I had gotten from a trader in the outer ring.
I cringed slightly at the sight of my grime-covered body, skinnier than I remembered. The toned muscles of my torso and arms were less defined without the usual daily training sessions. Displeased with how weak I looked, I made a mental note to double my sessions for the next few weeks. At least my thighs and calves were still up to my standards—all thanks to having to kick the mare into motion as well as the constant walking when I wasn’t on horseback. I eased my way into the steaming water, hissing at the heat. A pleased sigh escaped my lips.
The large tub allowed me to submerge up to my neck as I rested the back of my head on the edge. As with every room with an exterior wall, the bathing room was lit up by the light coming through the tinted glass. I closed my eyes and inhaled the steam, the eucalyptus scent relaxing me further, and I could feel the tension falling from my muscles. I satin the water for a few minutes, and just as I began to drift off, the door burst open.
I didn’t bother opening my eyes to see who it was, as I already knew. I heard footsteps thumping on the hard floor as a sweet, melodic voice began to speak.
“Ugh!” Malina scoffed in mock exasperation. I failed to hide my smile at her irritation. “You were supposed to find me after your meeting, but you seem to think a bath with your weird-ass oils is more pressing than me!”
I couldn’t help a little laugh from escaping. I opened my eyes and saw Malina standing over me with her hands on her hips and a dramatic scowl.
“You were the one who said I smelt of horse shit. I figured you’d appreciate myweird-ass oilscent over that,” I teased with raised eyebrows.
“Yeah, alright. But you promised details of the mission, and I want to hear them now.” She pulled up a vanity chair to the side of the tub and plopped down on it, propping her elbows on her toned thighs and her chin on her fists. Her hair fell around her face, her sweet, innocent look reflecting nothing of what she was truly capable of.
I slid down to dip my head below the water and quickly unbraided my long brown hair, the water making it a bit easier with the tangles. I resurfaced and grabbed my lavender-scented shampoo.
I began to wash my hair and body as I recalled the mission’s events to her. I explained that I had connected with my usual black market contacts to learn of the book and who had it last. Once I knew, I had found the male in Gaol at his estate in Lublad, retrieved the stolen book, and began my journey home.
“Sounds like every other job. But that doesn’t explain the blood all over your clothes. From the scent, it wasn’t yours,” she probed, visibly irritated.
“It was his, actually,” I said matter-of-factly. While I preferred to complete my missions less violently, killing a target wasn’t entirely unusual.
Malina’s lips lifted to one side, and her eyes narrowed in amusement. “So what did this one do to deserve the wrath of a Hunter of Morah?”
“He was a fae trafficker.” My face portrayed no emotions as I finished rinsing. “He had a young water-wielding female…”
I didn’t mention that I returned the female to her home after killing her captor, not wanting Nikan to find out. I wasn’t in the mood to get berated for myrecklessactions again.
Malina’s face fell. “They’re getting bolder,” she bit out with frustration. “If the Worthy would just assign a few of the Watch on their streets, most of them would be too scared to do shit like this. Yet the pretty Lords and Ladies can’t be bothered, only doing the bare minimum to appease their God.” She paused. “Still, Eamon won’t be pleased to hear that you took justice into your own hands. Again.”
I ignored her retort about Eamon, “They’re busy worrying about the Glaev. More locations are showing up faster than it ever has before. They’re concentrating their forces to evacuate the people in the smaller towns.” I stood in the tub, water dripping down my bare skin, making to get out as Malina handed me a towel. Being raised as sisters alongside one another had removed the usual self-consciousness over seeing each other’s naked bodies.
“In Gaol?” Her face was a mask of indifference.
I wrapped the towel around me and stepped out of the tub, my long hair trickling water down my back as I went to the vanity, where my clean clothes lay folded.
“Yeah,” I said, trying to hide any worry in my voice but turned solemn despite my attempt. “Along the border, about a half-day’s ride from here. It was a small village, but still…”
I unwrapped my towel, patting myself dry while taking a glance at my round ass and modestly firm breasts, grateful that they didn’t suffer the same fate as my withering muscles. I bit my lower lip, thinking of who else would appreciate them tonight.
“It’s getting closer.” Fear laced her voice, jostling me from my thoughts before they could go any further. “What if it reaches here? What if it gets to Morah? We can’t go through that again—”
“Stop,” I said firmly as I quickly threw on my clothes and crossed the room to put my hands on her shoulders. My voice softened to a whisper, “It has never been within the borders of Riyah.”