Page 60 of Worthy of Fate
“And you should have expected it. I told you my Spirithorsewould return at some point. What, did you expect him to announce himself or something?”
“Yeah, I expected ahorse. You failed to mention just how fucking big he is and that he haswings.” Nikan was shouting now.
“You described me improperly?”Odarum asked.
I turned to Odarum and said out loud, “Stop talking.” Then I turned back to Nikan. His face was scrunched in confusion, his eyes darting between me and Odarum.
I sighed, “Odarum, who’s apegasusby the way, and I can speak to each other through our minds. It’s part of the—”
Odarum growled through our minds.
“Calm down. I’m not going to say anything about the bond,”I said to him, and it was then that I noticed that communicating with him had become easier.
“It’s part of the Spirit guardian and Worthy deal.”
“See?”I said in a mocking tone.
“Very well,”the Spirit grumbled.
Nikan pursed his lips and I could tell that he was holding back a smile. “You’re hearing voices in your head?” I gave him a deadpan look when he placed his hand on my shoulder with a teasing smile. “Don’t worry. I know a great healer who can help.”
I pushed his hand off me and punched him in the shoulder. “Shut up.”
“But seriously, Kya. I wouldn’t go around talking about that. People will think you’re insane.”
“Trust me, it is insane,” I chuckled.
“Alright. I guess I better get used to having a Spirit around then. But we need to head out and get to Narh,” Nikan said before turning and walking to the horses. Which got me thinking.
“Why aren’t the horses afraid of you and your wings? And they came when you stomped yesterday,”I asked Odarum. It had just occurred to me that they didn’t seem startled at all.
“They recognize what I am and know that they do not have to fear me. I would not harm an innocent life,”Odarum said softly.
“I gathered that from yesterday’s encounter. Speaking of, what was that? How did you do that with the roots?”
“I have the power to manipulate life.”
I paused and stared at him for a moment.“Like control it? Could you take it away if you wanted to?”
“No. Manipulate. Not destroy,”he stated firmly.
“Well, what you did was really magnificent. Is that the gift I gained from you?”I couldn’t help but ask.
“I won’t know which one you have received until it has manifested.”
I wondered what his other abilities were.
After gathering our things, Nikan put the rock of the tent back into the ground and I re-fastened my hair into a braid before we mounted our respective horses. Odarum still wouldn’t let me ride him.
It took only a few hours to travel to the city of Narh in the Torx Nation. During our ride, my thoughts were consumed with our mission of tracking down the anonymous seller in Narh. Questions plagued my mind.
How did it come into his possession? Why didn’t he sell it on the black market? How long did he have it? Why didn’t someone take it from him rather than from Morah?
Odarum had followed quietly behind the entire way, seeming content to stay on the ground. I had yet to see him fly, and I wanted to. I also wanted to ride him while he did, just to experience it for myself. When we approached the city, Odarum stopped in the grassy field. I halted my gelding and turned to face him.
“Are you not coming?”I asked.