Page 84 of Worthy of Fate
I stayed close to my mate as we went to a wide stone staircase and ascended several levels. Malina led the way and Kya was beside me. Though we were in a wide hallway, she was near enough that our hands nearly grazed each other several times, as if our bodies naturally gravitated toward one another.
We stopped in front of a set of heavy oak doors, the dark wood standing out against the washed-out stone of the library’s inner walls. I glanced at the two females beside me, taking in theircomposed state. Even though we had just darted up several long flights of stairs, both Kya and Malina stood as if we had just come from a leisurely stroll. Their breathing was measured and even, which told me that the two must have had intensive training. Malina urgently rapped on the doors with her knuckles, Kya and I stood as we all waited for an answer.
The door swung open, and a slender, older looking male with a tired expression and dressed in beige trousers with a matching top stood in the doorway. Having met the High Scholar on numerous occasions, I recognized him immediately. His face brightened when he saw Malina and Kya, and he wrapped his arms around them both, his eyes glistening.
I didn’t feel a threat from this male embracing my mate. Love shone in his eyes, but of purity, like family. The females returned smiles and greeted him. I took this moment to glance at my surroundings, giving them some privacy. He was their High Scholar, and they were his Roav.
“I’m pleased you have returned so much sooner than anticipated. But I’m afraid that we don’t have time to discuss pleasantries. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, something has happened.” He lifted his head and looked at me with narrowed eyes. He stepped away from Kya and Malina and bowed at the waist. “Lord Ryker.”
“Eamon.” I dipped my head in greeting.
“To what do we owe the honor of your presence?” His eyes darted between the females and me.
Kya cleared her throat. “Eamon, he’s with me. I’ll explain later.”
He’s with me.
Her outward acknowledgment of us being with each other made my chest swell with a kind of pride that I couldn’t keep from my face.
“Yeah, yeah. Pigeon boy has been stalking her for a while and now they’re cozy, but what is going on here?” Malina flicked her hand at me in dismissal.
“Stalking?!” Eamon exclaimed, glaring at me.
“Pigeon boy? Really Mal?” Kya punched her sister in the shoulder. “Eamon, just tell us what’s happening.”
My eyebrows raised at her command to the High Scholar who didn’t seem to care.
“Yes, alright. Come in and we’ll discuss it.” He eyed me up and down before giving Kya a wary look.
“He’s fine, I can assure you.” My mate gave him a sweet, adoring smile and nodded as she spoke. “Right, Lord Ryker?” She gave me an expectant look.
I bristled at the formality and gave a tight-lipped grin. “Of course.”
I hated being addressed by my title, and I certainly didn’t want to hear it coming from my mate’s mouth. But perhaps it was only in the presence of Eamon. I hoped.
The High Scholar nodded and swept his arm out to gesture for us to enter his study. We stepped inside and sat in comfortable cushioned chairs next to an unlit hearth. I made certain to take the seat next to Kya while Malina took the one on the other side and Eamon sat across from us after closing the door. My arms crossed over my chest and my feet planted firmly on the floor, I remained quiet, listening as Eamon explained the events of what had happened within the library.
“We had another break-in last night, but as you have no doubt seen, this time it was much worse,” he began.
I was fully aware of Kya’s tensing body as the High Scholar spoke, tightening my arms and fighting myself from reaching for her. I was not a comforting male and the bond was itchingfor me to soothe her, which was beginning to annoy the shit out of me.
“And before you ask, we don’t know who or how many there were, how they got in, or what they took. Unfortunately, four Scholars were killed. Their…their throats were slit. Several others are with healers, waiting for them to wake to tell what they may have seen. The other Scholars are working to sort through the damages and are taking inventory as they do so to determine what might have been taken. And terbis wielders have been requested to assist with the structural damage. They already examined it and have designated it safe enough that we didn’t have to evacuate. Where’s Nikan? I’d like for him to oversee the repair team.”
“Four dead? Who would harm innocent Scholars? They didn’t do anything. They can’t even fight back.”
I instantly closed my mind when the voice of Kya’s thoughts entered my head. I hadn’t meant to invade her like that again, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to control.
“Structural damage?” Malina asked, sniffling and wiping the wet streaks from her cheeks.
Nothing like this had ever happened before and murder within Riyah, especially of a Scholar, was a crime punishable by Nex.
Eamon eyed each of us. “I assume then that you have not yet seen the eastern side of Morah.” We all shook our heads and he sighed. “Come with me.”
The High Scholar stood and led us out of his study and down the hall to an open bridge through the center of the building connecting to the other side. He stopped in the middle of the bridge and pointed to the exterior wall, facing east. In the center of the glass was a deep wide crack that extended from the stone floor and snaked its way to the tip of the spire.
Malina gasped, placing her hand over her chest. Kya’s eyes widened as her breath caught in her throat. She reached for myarm, grabbing it around the sleeve, and I moved closer to her instinctively, watching as her bright pine-green eyes examined the crack’s immense length.