Page 86 of Worthy of Fate
The sight of him still took my breath away. His dark hair ruffled in the gentle breeze. His shirt stuck to his sweat covered skin, outlining the toned muscles of his arms and chest. I gazed into the swirling silver of his irises and my heart skipped a beat when I saw the hunger in his eyes like he wanted to devour me.
I’d let him.
But we both needed to resist it. At least until we could figure out what to do about the Glaev.
“So what is this place?” he asked.
I cleared my throat. “The Roav’s ledge. Nik built it for us. No one else knows about it but us. And well, I suppose you too, now. But it was a place that was entirely on our own.” I sighed and gazed at the darkening sky. A few stars were beginning to twinkle into view. “I’d come out here alone and lay here for hours just looking at the stars. It’s my favorite place.”
My mate stepped closer to me and glanced up as well. “I understand. I have a place like this too. Somewhere just for me that no one else knows about that I like to go to when I need to be alone. When I need to get away, and I don’t have to be a Lord or a Worthy.”
“Where is that? The palace in Voara? Or is it too much of a secret to tell me?” I said playfully. I had never been there personally, but I had seen drawings of it.
He slowly moved his head side to side. “No. It’s in the Eckterre mountains.” He looked down at me, his expression soft. “If you want to go there, I’ll take you. It can be another place for you too. And I won’t keep any secrets from you. Ask me anything you want and I’ll tell you.”
I pursed my lips. “Anything?” I asked mischievously, taking a step closer so that our chests were nearly touching.
“Anything.” His expression was serious.
I tapped my chin with my forefinger, contemplating what I wanted to know first. “What’s your favorite food?”
He raised an eyebrow. “That’s your first question?”
“An important one. It matters.” It wasn’t a lie. But to be honest, I had so many questions I wanted to ask, I didn’t know where to start. I wanted to learn about him and what he was like.
“Why?” he chuckled.
“It just does.” I shrugged. Food was always important.
“Hmm. Well, any cooked meat, really. I’ll eat just about anything. There’s very little that I don’t like.”
“Fair enough.”
“My turn,” he said eagerly. “What is your favorite thing to do in your leisure time? Other than gazing at the stars.”
“It isn’t obvious?” I laughed, fully. Not something I did all that often but being near him filled me with a peace and happiness I hadn’t felt in…well, I didn’t know how long it had been. I blamed the bond for the feeling.
His face fell. “Do that again.”
“Laugh,” he breathed.
“Reading.” I rolled my eyes and giggled. “I live in a library. It’s only natural that’s something I’m passionate about, don’t you think?”
“I suppose it is.” He smiled, leaning down. His scent enveloped me and I wanted to get closer. His lips parted, and all I could think about in that moment was feeling them against mine.
I swallowed.
“Are Mal and Nik back?” I took a step back to keep the temptation of touching him at bay.
“Wouldn’t you already know that?” He exhaled deeply.
I felt for them and, sure enough, I could feel them in Eamon’s office. I had just been too distracted by my mate and my want for him.
“Right. Yeah I do. We should get back down there and take a look at what Eamon found.”
I went back into Morah and walked across the dark room, about to enter the hallway when I heard a slight grunt from behind me. Ryker had lifted and readjusted the door to an imperfect fit, but better than it was. I eyed him after he turnedto face me, and he gave me a nonchalant shrug before returning to my side to walk down to Eamon’s study together.