Page 97 of Worthy of Fate
“Hey.” He gently grabbed my shoulders to stop me from pacing and face him. “We’ll figure it out. What is this book anyway? Why is it so important?”
I sighed and told him everything, from Kleio’s demand, to the Glaev theory by Rolim, to the break in, to finding the seller’s body, and how this book could help me uncover the truth of the Glaev. Ryker’s face morphed into a look of dread as I relayed the information.
“What? What is it?”
He ran his hand through his hair. “Shit, Kya. I’m so sorry.” He looked off into the distance.
“Sorry for what?”
He disappeared his wings and held my hand as he quickly stepped us through a small patch of trees before stopping us at the edge in front of a large clearing.
“Ryker,” I said cautiously. “Where are we going?”
“Voara,” he said softly, brushing a loose strand from my braid behind my ear.
Right then, a massive beast, like nothing I had ever seen, dropped from the sky and landed in front of us. Ryker didn’t flinch, only held my back against his chest, keeping me from falling or running. My heart stopped, a scream caught in my throat. As my gaze traveled up to take in the terrifying beast, I felt the blood drain from my face, leaving me shaking in Ryker’s arms. Instinctively, I reached for my weapons, but Ryker held my arms down.
The enormous creature towered over us. It arched its neck, tilting its large head to look at Ryker through eyes the color offlames. Ryker seemed unbothered by its presence, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the sharp dark scales overlapping like chainmail. They covered every inch of its impressive body, only stopping at the base of its wings, which stretched out from its back—like Ryker’s. The beast opened its mouth, huffing out a hot breath and revealing a voracious maw lined with serrated, razor-sharp teeth.
“Ryker?” I managed to squeak out, pressing harder against his firm chest.
My words had the unfortunate effect of drawing the creature’s gaze. Its eyes shot to me, and it lowered its head, showcasing the horns that adorned its head.
Ryker rubbed his hand soothingly over my arm. “It’s alright.”
I reached for my terbis out of reflex, but I couldn’t feel the beast’s huge claws digging into the terra.
Ryker’s Spirit Guardian.
He looked down at me, his lips pulled tight, reaching a hand out to touch the snout of his animal. “I know where the book is.”
Then we disappeared from Dusan.
Chapter Thirty-Five
Ryker’s Spirit Traveled us somewhere so cold my very bones shivered. The moment we arrived, I immediately grabbed my stomach, sickened with nausea from the sudden lurch through space, and hurled up the contents of my last meal onto the smooth, bright-colored stone.
Ryker bent down next to me, pushing my braid away from my face and rubbed his hand over my back in slow circles, until the heaving stopped.
“Are you okay?” he asked as I spit the remaining acidic taste from my mouth.
“Yes,” I bit out. I stood fully, feeling faint, and wobbled slightly. Ryker held my arm to keep me from falling, and his beast stared, seemingly curious at our interaction.
Ryker held his gaze for a few moments and I could only assume that he was talking with him through their bond, and I wanted to know what they were saying.
Nik was right, this is annoying.
“Kya, this is Theron, my Spirit dragon.” He held his hand out gesturing to the beast who looked none-too-pleased.
“I don’t think he likes me,” I whispered, shivering from the cold.
“Honestly, I don’t think he likes anyone, including me.” Theron growled. Ryker waved him off. “But don’t mind him. He’s just a cranky alligator with wings.” I snorted at that, feeling the tension in the air lessen.
“So…you’ve escalated from stalker to kidnapper. You know I’ve killed for less?” I winked.
Ryker leveled me with a flat stare before he rolled his eyes and the side of his mouth quirked up into a smile.