Page 39 of Worship
For a split second, time seems to stand still. From the invisible treeline, I hear a faint whisper come our way, I cannot make out any words, and its tone ignites goosebumps along my arm.
This isn’t real,I think to myself, but it’s happening whether I like it or not. I find myself strangely propelled forward by the urge to get out of this situation, my fear dissipating unexplainably.
I move toward the carriage doors, intent on finding out the course of the holdup. Calindra’s hand reaches out and grabs my arm.
“Where are you going?” she snaps.
“I need to see what’s happening.”
“It could be dangerous.”
“Like you said, we have the guards with us.”
She continues protesting as I hop out of the carriage, her voice becoming muffled shouts as I close the door behind me.
The only thing I know for certain right now is that we’re so far out from the city. I already know this is far from an ideal spot to be caught in, but I’m determined to get us moving, and fast. I’m unsure of this brave attitude that’s come over me, putting it down to survival instincts.
I walk to the front of the convoy, where I hear a small commotion between the guards. I pass by the other carriages,where curious handmaidens stick their faces against the window, trying to get a glimpse of the action.
I approach the group of Fouuer soldiers as they stand around some ominous shape, peering down at it. One of them spins around and holds out a hand, signaling me to stop where I stand.
“Hold it! Get back to your carriage.”
“I will once I find out what’s going on!”
The guard sighs and steps out of the way, revealing before the group the corpse of what looks like a demon. The creature’s form is grotesque, steam rising from its skin as if it’s a freshly roasted piece of meat. A foul odor emanates from its body, a smell that turns my stomach.
“What kind of animal could have done this?” I ask, covering my mouth.
“We don’t know, but whatever it is, it had to have been bigger than this.”
“And it’s still out there,” another guard says.
“Well, we’ve got to get moving!” I snap. “Can we get that thing out of the way?”
“Hey!” a guard from the rear of the convoy calls out. “Someone, come! I just saw something move!”
Some of the carriage doors open, with other handmaidens poking their heads out, each of them asking what was seen by that guard.
“Alright, all of you get back inside!” the first soldier barks. “And you!” he says, pointing at me. “I’m taking you back as well.”
He escorts me back as some of the guards rush to the convoy’s end, their swords unsheathed.
“Something’s not right,” I say.
“I’m glad you noticed,” the guard mumbles. He opens my carriage door, a curious Calindra looking on from her seat. “I’ll be back to confirm that everything’s okay, just give us a few moments. We’ll be back on the road soon enough.”
“I hope so,” I reply as the door shuts.
“What was that all about?” Calindra asks, visibly freaked out. “I heard a soldier say he saw something move, and what was blocking our path?”
“A demon corpse, but don’t panic,” I tell my friend. “They’ve got it all under control.” I sigh and lean back into my chair, resting one side of my face against the window. “I just hope –”
A splash of blood stains the window, accompanied by an agonizing scream. I yell and jump back as black forms rush out from the treeline. The clang of iron and steel rings out, as does more screaming and shouting.
“Shana!” Calindra screams. “What is that thing?!”
Something jumps at the door. It looks just like the corpse, only alive, snarling and foaming at the mouth. I kick the door and knock it back, grabbing Calindra’s hand.