Page 41 of Worship
“But sir!”
I’m already gone by the time he calls out my name. Dread rushes me through my veins like blood, each pulse a wave of worry and stomach-turning fear as I think of Shana.
“How could this have happened?” I mutter, storming back into my quarters. “She had protection. The damned Fouuer! Why did they fall so easily?”
A deep-seated rage bursts out as I sweep everything off of my desk. I grab a picture from the wall and hurl it to the ground. Unsheathing a sword, I’m about to slice my desk into two, when suddenly, I become aware and stop.
“What’s wrong with me?”
I drop the sword, its steel clanging loudly as it hits the floor. Sinking to my knees, I throw both hands to my head, trying to make sense of everything.
Shana’s in the hands of demons… She’s a priestess of Karona. I have never been a practicer of the faith, but I know enough to realize that demons will be the last group to empathize with their cause.
I peer down at my open hands, wondering why I’m losing my mind. There shouldn’t be any reason for me to be acting like this. After all, Shana’s relationship with me has been purely physical.
Or has it?
I look up at the mirror a few feet in front of me, gazing into the eyes of a dark elf who needs to face the truth. The time has come for me to stop running from reality, something I realize as a stray tear falls down my cheek.
Quickly, I wipe away the tear. An intense fear fills my heart, thinking about the possibility of never seeing her again. My hands begin to tremble. Her beautiful face appears to me once I close my eyes. Then, it disappears. Dread begins to consume me.
My life hasn’t been the same since I met her, and if I let her go now then it’ll only go back to the way things were. A life where I chase fulfillment in my tricks and silly games.
That will not be my legacy.
“Shana,” I whisper, the name intoxicating like a rich wine. “I will find you, I promise.”
In this world of ever-increasing darkness that is Aerasak, Shana is the shining light guiding me toward a better life. I only wish now that I realized it before she went missing. I’d never have let her go otherwise.
I gear up, sharpening my swords and daggers before slipping into some light armor. Those demons are crafty bastards, and I’m going to need to perform at my best if I am to slay them.
I know of a potential location Shana may be held in, a well-known hotspot for demon activity deep in the trenches of the forest. Getting there will take some time, but luckily, I am of the Ishiraya bloodline, and our magic is the most powerful in all of the land.
Using my abilities, I conjure a portal to take me to the demon encampment. One step takes me from my quarters to a hill overlooking their hideout.
I’ve had experiences with these scum in the past. They are by no means patient, and I cannot help but think they’ll torture Shana while they wait for their demands to be met. That’s how they get their joy out of life, at the expense of others.
“There’s no time to make a plan,” I mutter, drawing my sword. “I’ll have to barge right in and make an entrance.”
I descend the hill and make my way inside. Most of the demons seem to be gone, but there are still enough to outnumber me. They do not bear the one thing I have over them – a thirst for vengeance.
I sneak up and raise my sword on an unsuspecting bastard, taking his head off with one clean swipe. Another demon spots me, then another, and soon the place is a blood bath.
I’m almost too good at swordsmanship, not allowing a single blow to land on me. The demons are quick and ferocious but no match for me.
Within a matter of minutes, many lay dead at my feet. I overlook the lair that consists of one-story buildings and tents, wondering where Shana and the others could be.
As I venture deeper, another wave of the villains burst out from corners and shadows. I ready my sword, perfectly fine with shedding more blood if it means getting Shana back.
“No more of you need to fall beneath my blade,” I warn, the demons growling and snarling as they prepare themselves forassault. “Just hand over the priestesses and your measly lives shall be spared.”
“Ha!” an especially wretched spawn cackles. “A dark elf after the priestesses of Karona? I thought I’d seen it all.”
“Are you going to tell me or will I have to find out the hard way?”
“Enough of this bastard! He’s already slain many of our kind! Death to him!”
“So you have chosen to die,” I snarl. “Have it your way.”