Page 44 of Worship
I hear crying coming from the rear. Making my way there, I come across a small building with barred windows. Crying rings out again, recognizable as that of a human woman.
“They’ve got to be there,” I mutter, drawing my dagger.
Just then, a whole group of them come from around the corner. I shrink back into my hiding place as they walk by, muttering about the Fouuer soldiers.
“Why not kill them where they stand?”
“Because the boss has agreed to negotiations, but only if he can directly address Karona herself.”
Will she really come?I wonder.
Poking my head out, I spot two guards standing outside the cells. Hanging off of their waist belts are a set of keys. I make use of my deception magic, throwing my voice in the opposite direction while I sneak up on them with their backs turned.
I break one’s neck and stab the other in the back, removing the keys from him thereafter. I enter the cramped building, its interior made up of cramped prison cells.
Some of the handmaidens back away at the sight of me, while others look on with wonder. I spot Shana in the corner, curled into a ball with her head buried in her hands.
“Did you miss me?” I chuckle.
She peers up, her face caught between wonder and confusion at the sight of me.
“Carus?” she whispers in disbelief. “You came?”
“Of course, I did,” I tell her. “I wouldn’t let you rot away here, would I? Now let’s get you out of here.”
“I knew you’d come,” she whispers as I unlock her cell.
“Shana, who is this man?” one of the handmaidens asks. “And how do you know him?”
“There is no time for questions,” I say. “Right now, we need to get you all out of here.”
“Tell us who you are!”
I snarl at her, but Shana lays a hand on me.
“Calindra, his name is Carus. He’s a friend of mine.”
I go to unlock another cell, but the handmaidens jump back as I approach.
“Please, girls, there’s no need to worry. Carus can be trusted.”
Hesitantly, they rally together and group up, being sure to stick behind Shana. She grabs my hand as I peek my head out the door.
“There’s so much I’ve been thinking about, Carus. So many questions that I need to ask you.”
“Not now,” I tell her. “We need to get to safety first.”
I signal for everyone to follow me, but as soon as we step out, a booming, ethereal voice rings out over the encampment.
“You dare conjure me?” it exclaims, the voice layered as if speaking from two different locations at once.
“Do you know who that is?” the one called Calindra squeals. “It’s Karona! Quick, we must listen to what she says.”
“No, we have to get out of here!” I command, but they scurry toward the front of the camp before anything else. “Fuck! Shana, we should go!”
“We can’t leave them behind!”
Reluctantly, we join the others as they gather behind a wall. I peer around the corner, glancing upon a scene straight out of a great painting.