Page 32 of Catherinelle
When I woke up, my body was stiff, and my joints were sore, probably because I was in the exact same position that I fell asleep in. Hugo’s arm was imprisoning me to his torso, and he was sleeping under me. My face was pressed to his chest, and I could hear the murmur of his heart. He was covering half the bed with his muscular, massive body. I was surprised that someone who was built like a bear didn’t snore like one.
I didn’t move because I didn’t want to disturb him. After the rampage he went on last night, I figured he needed the rest. Or better yet, I could make sure he had a good start to the day. The Machiavellian thoughts made me lick my lips and smile.
I was still naked from the waist down while Hugo had fallen asleep in his black jeans and black t-shirt that he had on yesterday, so maybe it was about time we evened out. I shimmied out of his grip, but he didn’t feel it, so I went ahead and started undoing his jeans. This was the only time when I could have Hugo at my mercy, and I knew it was not going to take long for him to feel my curious touch and wake up.
I unbuttoned him and snuck my hand under the waist of his pants, cupping him through the boxers he had on. Becoming aware of my touch, he gave out a pleasurable moan, and his hand moved to find mine and moved it lower to his balls. Feeling him growing under my palm and encouraged by his reaction, I started fondling him and playing with his testicles, his reaction becoming more intense. A few seconds later, his eyes snapped open, and he looked at me confused.
“What are you doing?” His voice was bland, not sounding anything like he had merely moments before.
“Returning the favor.” To emphasize my words, I gave his balls another stroke and leaned in for a kiss, but he pulled back.
“You don’t need to return any favors, Cat.”
“What if I want to?”
“Catherinelle, stop.” He spoke with a vehemence that made me want to burst into flames. I didn’t want to stop. I wanted more.
With the same hand he had pushed my hand deeper into his pants, now he was trying to push me away, but I wasn’t ready to let my plan go so I just grabbed the waist of his boxer briefs.
“Why, Hugo? Why keep playing this hot and cold game with me? I thought we were on the same page last night.” I looked straight into his eyes, pushing for an answer. “You promised me ten days.”
“And I plan on giving them to you, woman. You want to have fun? I will make you cum until it becomes painful, but I will not…fuck you, Cat. I won’t.”
There was a firestorm reeling behind his irises.
“I want you.”
“I don’t want to hurt you, Catherinelle.” His words turned softer. “You are so…fragile. Like a priceless China doll. I would physically, hurt you, Cat. I told you, I’m not the man. I can’t treat you with kid gloves. The last time I let my craving get the best of me, you bore bruises on your hips; I can still see them.”
“I’m fine, Hugo. I’m not made out of glass.”
“My dick will stretch you out, and you’ll quiver in pain, and I don’t know how to stop, Cat. Don’t ask me to hurt you.”
The fact that he saw me like a weak little flower in the summer breeze was turning me crazy mad, but I was touched by how worried he was about me, so I decided to let it go…for now.
“But why won’t you let me touch you at all, Hugo? I want to.”
“Baby girl, I want it too. Fuck, the way I want you…”
That was all I needed to hear. This time, I slipped my hand under the waistband of his underwear and touched the tip of his shaft. The skin was heated and soft, smooth like an expensive material. I circled him with my thumb, and the motion made him tense up.
“Fucking shit.” He spat the curse and squeezed his eyes together.
If he liked that, he’d love the complete and total depravity I had in mind. I started working him slowly, making my way from his tip down his length, enjoying the hardness of his organ. I was a little intimidated by the size of that. I was starting to suspect that this was the root of that monster label he had on.
I gave him a long stroke all the way to his balls, and my hand froze. What the hell was that? I felt…lumps. Big, hard, prominent lumps. Ok, I knew I hadn’t seen as much dick as the women he was used to, but I knew that wasn’t…normal. Was he sick?
He was breathing heavily with his eyes still closed and raised a hand to stroke my throat.
“Yes, baby.”
“I…I think there’s something wrong.”
That caught his attention enough to look at me.