Page 79 of Catherinelle
The week dragged along with the speed of an anorexic snail.
Going back to the life I had before was fucking hard. The first night back in my apartment felt like the first time I walked into a jail cell: cold, empty, and lonely. No beautiful baby girl with blond and pink hair and blue doe eyes waiting for me in the middle of the bed. The house was drowned in dark silence when I walked in; nothing had moved an inch since I had locked the door behind me. Jill’s black, lacey thong was still hanging on the lamp next to my bed where she left it. Three weeks ago, I would have harvested them and kept them as a trophy, but after Cat, I threw them away without even thinking twice. Nothing would ever measure up to my princess.
I had only touched her twice in seven days. Two fucking kisses, like we were middle schoolers falling into puppy love. Needless to say, my balls were hanging heavy like a couple of tennis balls ready to burst. Since she wasn’t in school anymore, I didn’t have to drive her every day, but she was still my responsibility, and it didn’t help that every time I saw her, it seemed like her skirts were tighter and shorter. Catherinelle was a damn erotic creature an arm’s length away from me, and I was prohibited from touching her. Acting like I didn’t have a permanent erection because of her was a crucifying task.
At least last night was good. Some stupid motherfuckers from Chicago were passing by and decided to hit one of our armored trucks when we were moving some money outside the city. It was my job to make them pay for every fucking dollar. Unlucky sons of bitches got to see the Monster and all of my frustration gathered in my fists.
The next morning, I went to meet Roman and Gino at a small restaurant all the way in Washington Heights: a nice, cozy breakfast place that was run by one of Roman’s aunts. To my surprise, when I walked in, I found my two friends huddled up at a back table covered in fluffy pancakes and fresh fruits, but they weren’t fucking alone. Ignazio Costa, Muse and Catherinelle were also here.
“Morning,” I said loud enough for everyone to hear me.
Roman got up with a smile on his face. He was always so cheerful it was disturbing sometimes. Roman, the man of the people, loved by everyone. This was his role, his legacy, and in the past few years, he had worked relentlessly to keep the façade. Gino and I both know it was fucking bullshit; the man was crumbling inside. He was fucked up in the head over the woman who had walked out on him. When Salva left him and took his grandmother’s engagement ring with her, Roman’s heart was broken, and I used to think he was so weak to have let that happen, but look at me now. Catherinelle looked my way one time, and my chest was already expanding.
“There he is! The big man.” Roman slapped my shoulder in a brotherly manner. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
“I’ve been kinda busy,” I answered and threw the bags of money on the table. “I thought this was business.”
Gino threw one hand over Muse’s shoulder and smiled at me, clearing things up.
“Well, it’s not. It’s brunch. Take a seat, Mustafa. I am ordering you a mimosa.”
Damn bastard, taunting me with his girly drinks. I shook my head, amused, and dragged another chair to the table next to Ignazio.
“No, thanks, boss. I’m driving.”
The moment I sat down, Catherinelle sat up from her seat and poked Ignazio in the shoulder.
“Si, principessa.”
“Ignazio, all the sun is getting in my eyes. Can you switch seats with me, please?”
“Of course, principessa.” He jumped up right away and helped her get settled on my right.
“Gratzie mille, Ignazio.”
When her pretty little ass was set, I frowned down at her, and the little witch just smiled and shrugged. I turned my attention from her to Gino who was playing with a string of Muse’s hair.
“So what is this about, boss?”
“Muse wanted to eat out, and Cat said something about a shopping spree. I figured I’d save you a trip if we all met here. Take a pancake, Mustafa. Roman’s aunt made them fresh.”
“How nice of her,” I said, but I was not a pancake kinda guy. Too bad today was not up to me because Cat grabbed a plate and started filling it.
“Here.” She handed it to me, and I took it without words. “Gino, I will need Hugo with me the entire day. Is that ok with you?”
“It’s nice to see you two are finally getting along,” he said, and I almost cursed out loud.
“I have a lot of shopping to do, and he’s a brainless muscular corpse who can carry lots of boxes. And has a driver’s license.” Did she just call me fucking corpse? She did, and everyone around the table was laughing.
“I am not your damn coolie, Catherinelle.” I had no problem carrying her bags, but at least one of us had to remember there were a lot of eyes on us.
“Hugo,” Gino called. “I can call Vito to drive her around today. You deserve some time off.”
“Nah,” I answered too damn fast. “I can take her.”
Vito couldn’t handle her, and I hated the idea of giving him a chance to try.