Page 98 of Catherinelle
“Calm down?! You’re gonna be a single mother. An eighteen year old single mother.”
“I don’t know for sure, B, and Hugo would never walk out on a child. Why does everyone think he is such a dick?”
Bianca jumping to this conclusion was adding to Lola’s first reaction when she walked in on Hugo and I and asked me if he was forcing me in any way. They were assuming the worst about Hugo, and it had started to bug me.
“He will not have a choice, Cat. The family will kill him, and it won’t be an easy death. My dad will hold him down while Roman, Gino, and Vincenzo carve out his balls and feed them to the fishes.” Ok, she was definitely hanging too much with her brothers. If Patty heard her foul mouth, B was going to have to eat a bar of soap. “And your grandpa! Your grandpa will fly in and put his cane so high up in Hugo’s ass, he’ll choke on a splinter.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Cat. This is crazy. This was not the plan.”
“Don’t you think I know that? I thought it would be a fling, a wild adventure before stepping into my role of mafia socialite waiting for some boss to marry me. But it’s not. I’m so in love with that man, I don’t know what to do with that many feelings.” I finally pushed myself up and looked my cousin in the eye. It was unfair to drop this secret on her, but I had nowhere else to go. Mother was out of the question. Lola would lose her shit and call my mom, and Muse could never keep a secret from my brother. “I don’t know what to do, B.” My voice was just above a whisper.
She looked at me with compassion and came to sit on the edge of the bed so she could reach me for a hug.
“I’m sorry I screamed. This is a lot to take in.”
“I’m not even sure it’s true.”
“You didn’t take a test or anything?”
“No, not yet, but I have felt so weird lately. My head hurts all the time. I’m nauseous, and I’m so fucking tired. All the signs are there.”
“You need to take the test. Maybe it’s just a scare.”
“I need to talk to Hugo first. Tell him.”
“Um, shouldn’t you tell him after you know for sure?”
“I don’t want a child, B, not now. I need him to be with me when I find out and help me…I don’t know…end it.” A shiver ripped through me.
“Wow.” She took a deep breath through her nose and exhaled through her mouth. “I’m not judging. If you’re not ready then you’re not ready, but it will be a hard thing to do.”
“I know.” That was why I needed Hugo to push me through it.
“And you can never let your mother find out about it. Remember, we’re catholic. Simona will drag you to a monastery to have your sins washed away or something.” She wasn’t wrong. Mom had a strong relationship with God, and she wouldn’t take this lightly. “I’m here if you need to talk it out, Catherinelle.”
“I just need to get through tonight without losing my mind.”
“Hey, new plan. I’ll go downstairs and tell mom you and I are calling it a night and bring a chocolate cake back.”
“An entire cake?”
“Yeah, we have like six extras. You are pregnant; we can eat whatever we want.”
“How are you included?”
“Shut up, bitch. I’m fighting the shock with chocolate.”
I laughed while she skipped out of the room, grateful for my cousin. I’d have lost my mind without my family, and I might lose my mind because of them.