Page 38 of Salvatrice
“Roman, we used to take five shots of tequila before dinner.”
“We weren’t watching my….”
She cut me off before I got to end my sentence.
“Francesca is more than capable of watching Romina. She does it all the time when I’m at work because guess what, Stefani, there’s no one else there to do it!”
Oh, oh, oh, hold on a fucking second.
“That was a low blow, Salvatrice.”
“So is insinuating that I’m a bad mother every damn minute.”
“When did I ever do that?”
“Now. Last night when you said you’re here to put your foot down. It was literally the first thing you did when you walked into my shop.”
“Romina was alone on the street!” I couldn’t be the only one who believed that was reckless, dangerous, and ridiculous.
“She was fine!”
Her temper was clearly getting the best of her, her voice becoming strident, and I loved it. She was my beloved firecracker. In all the time we lived together, I could count the nights we didn’t have a screaming match on my fingers. What I loved most about Salvatrice was that she never backed down. She was my damn match. Every night we found something to bicker about and it never bothered either of us because it always ended in mind-blowing sex. I’m sure she started arguing with me on purpose more than a dozen times only to make me fuck her on our kitchen table.
Miss Aida sensed the growing tension between Salva and I and she interpreted wrong, probably as anger, when in reality, I was two steps away from kicking her out so I could bend my woman over the living room couch and make her swallow her words, amongst other things I would have liked her to swallow.
“Ok, you two, calm down now. Young man, this wasn’t what I had in mind when I told you to stop by her bakery and leave a tip. Why do I get the feeling you two have known each other for a long time?”
“No, we’re not…” Salvatrice tried to say some bullshit, but I was more honest.
“Eight years. I’m Romina’s father.”
Aida stepped back and looked at me with her eyes wide open and mouth hanging, and Salva cursed me, calling me a jerk, before covering her eyes.
“Aha,” Aida said slowly. “And where have you been over the past six years, young man?”
“Don’t take that tone with me, Miss Aida. She never told me we had a child. Now, I like your company a lot, but we still have a few things to discuss over breakfast.”
Aida finally snapped out of her shock.
“Right, I will leave you to it then. I made you fresh crepes today, and I also brought you an assortment of fillings. You have chocolate, orange jam, berries jam, and a sweet cream cheese with raisins. That last one is better than it sounds, so give it a try. There’s fresh coffee in the pot on the table.”
“Thank you, miss Aida.”
“Thank you, Aida.”
Salvatrice and I told her, and she got her smile back.
“I would have brought you some of those cookies you liked so much the other day, but the bakery was closed. Now I know why.” She walked past us and stopped to squeeze Salva’s hand. “Give him hell.”
“I will.”
“Hey, I thought you liked me.”
“I like her more. Enjoy your morning, kids.”
I heard the massive front door closing behind her and Salvatrice dropped into one of the chairs with her arms crossed and her lips pouting.
“You really had to spit it out like that?” Her accusatory tone didn’t pass unnoticed.