Page 60 of Salvatrice
“I know, baby, I’m sorry. Roman and I had a few things to take care of. Have you been good to Aunt Fran?”
“Yes. She’s upstairs with Sammy, trying to make him sleep. He’s being mean again.” She pouted her lips.
“Oh, sweetheart, he’s just a baby.”
“He pushed Max and he puked on my dress. Aunt Fran wants me to play with him, but I don’t want to.”
Roman went down on one knee next to me and poked Remy’s cheek.
“You won’t have to for a while. Remember I promised you we’re going on a trip? I talked to your mom. We’re leaving next week.”
“Really?” Remy stepped, put her little fists under her chin, and looked at me like she didn’t believe me. “Are we really going, Mama? To Disneyland?”
“Yes, baby. Roman told me he promised, so I couldn’t say no. I’m going to look for plane tickets tomorrow.”
Roman put his hand on my shoulder.
“I can do that, too.”
“No, let me. You have enough to take care of, and you know I hate flying. I need to make sure I find seats that suit my OCD brain.”
“Fine then, I will leave you some money.”
“You don’t need to…”
“Yes, I do. First class tickets are not cheap.”
Romina started dancing around and Max followed her like a humble servant. Ok, I had to give the dog some props, even if I wasn’t convinced that huge, furious-looking thing was good for a pet. He was so protective of Romina, like he recognized her as being his.
“Remy, easy. You’re going to get dizzy.” She ignored me like I wasn’t even there.
“Romina.” Roman’s strong voice caught her attention. “Listen to your mom. I have a lot of things to do, so I should go. Can I get a hug, baby girl?”
She jumped around his neck and he kissed both her cheeks.
“Thank you, Roman.”
“You’re welcome.” He put her down and turned to me. “Do you mind if I leave Max with you until tonight? He gets bored if he’s alone for too long.”
“Sure. I think I’m starting to like him.”
“Of course you do. He’s a sweetheart.”
“That’s not a sweetheart, that is Cerberus’ little brother, but he’s a good boy.”
“I’ll stop by tonight to pick him up and maybe you can save me a cupcake.”
“Sure. Roman, this week will be hell for me. I have so many things to take care of, so no dates, no sleepovers, and no nudity.” He smiled like a bandit. “I’m serious. I can’t afford any distractions this week. I have to figure out what to do with the bakery and the equipment.”
“Just leave them; we’ll figure it out later.”
“I can’t just leave it, Roman. Francesca owns the building and I’m renting the place from her. If I leave, I need to clean out so she can rent again.”
“I’ll send a moving company to clean the place after we leave. Don’t worry.”
“Fine, I still have a lot of things to pack and I want to spend some time with Romina.”
“Why are you acting like I’m taking her away?”