Page 64 of Salvatrice
“What the hell? I’m going there to talk to someone and make them…”
“Roman.” She caught my arm and stopped me. “I talked with six people already. There’s nothing to be done. My seat was double booked. The airline offered me a refund, but instead, I arranged for a seat on the next plane out.”
“No, I’m not leaving you behind. I don’t care who they have to kick off the plane, I will do it myself if I have to.”
“There’s nothing anyone can do, Roman. The gate will be opened soon. It was just a mistake.”
I didn’t tolerate mistakes. In my world people died when they made stupid mistakes. I was bubbling with anger and I wanted to punch someone.
“Fine, fine. We can stay in a hotel tonight and I will get us tickets for the next flight.”
“You and Remy could still go.”
That was some fucking bullshit if I’d ever heard any.
“Salvatrice, I’m not flying our daughter across the world and leaving you here, not knowing what’s going on. I’d be in the air for ten hours, not able to talk to you. No.”
“Roman, baby, it’s no big deal. I’ll land in New York only twelve hours after you. I’m sure you can take care of Romina.”
“Romina is not my concern here, you are. I don’t want to leave you behind.” I didn’t want to be forced to give up control.
“You’re not; I will follow right behind. I don’t want to keep Romina here when she’s so excited to go, Roman. I’ve never seen her happier. And sleeping in a hotel? I don’t want to put her through that. She needs a sleeping routine to avoid sleep walking. That means going to bed at the same hour every day in the same sleeping environment. This will be a hard transition for her as it is, I don’t want to force her to sleep in an unwelcoming hotel room.”
I didn’t think it was such a big deal; after all it was just one night, but if Salva believed it would bother Romina, then fine.
“I’ll call Gino; he can send the private plane. We would leave late at night, but it would be today, so no hotel.”
“That’s highly unnecessary. Roman, it’s one night. We’ll be fine. Here.” She handed me two plane tickets. “You have to go board that plane, Roman.”
“Salvatrice, I…”
She got up on her tip toes and kissed me. It wasn’t just an ordinary mid-day kiss; this was liquid fire. For the first time I could taste a small piece of the wild Salvatrice I knew six years ago, and she was spectacular. Unleashed. Mine.
“Take her home, brown eyes.”
“Damn you, why can’t I say no to you?”
Her eyes softened, taking the color of an emerald sea again.
“Because you love me.” Her warm hand landed on my face. “Roman, I love you too, ok? You and Romina will be fine.”
My black heart started turning red again and my chest exploded. Yeah, every word she said was true and I knew that – I’ve always known that – but hearing the words calmed my nerves. I needed some calm and quiet after the past week.
“Fine.” I wasn’t fine with it at all. “I will come pick you from JFK.”
“You don’t have to, I can…”
“You’re not taking a cab, and you’re sure as hell not taking the subway. You don’t even know where I live. I will be there to pick you up.”
“Ok. I will say goodbye to Remy because you have to be at the gate in about five minutes. I have to warn you, I might get emotional. Even if it’s just a day, this is the first time I’ve let her go somewhere without me. You have all her documents?”
“And the proxy letter?”
“Yes, Salvatrice. I’m a lawyer, remember? I will not be thrown in jail for kidnapping and leaving her alone, if that’s what you fear.”
“Ok.” She swallowed hard, and her hands shook. This made no sense. If she was so nervous, why not just wait and go together tomorrow? Impossible, crazy woman. “Roman, listen to me, everything Romina needs, all her medication, vitamins, everything is on the big luggage, ok? The pink one.”