Page 67 of Salvatrice
“Isn’t it too early in the morning for you to be up, brother?” he mocked.
“Isn’t it too late for you to be up, old man?”
“I have a son and he doesn’t like sleeping at night. Muse needs her beauty sleep so I’m on night feeding duty.”
“And little Enzo doesn’t mind your boobs?”
“Ha, funny. What is it, Stefani? Are you calling for a reason or because you’re missing my eyes?” And he said I was the funny one.
“I’m back. I’m home.”
“So fast? We didn’t expect to see you before September.”
“Plans changed. Look, can we meet up tomorrow? I have some things to talk to you about.”
“Something important?”
“No, it’s personal. Hugo and Cat should be there too.”
“Good. I’ll call the big man and my sister, tell them we’re stopping by their house for lunch. Roman, are you good?”
“I’d rather wait and show you.”
“Fine then. See you tomorrow. Cat will be happy you’re back. She’s been missing you like a sucker ever since you left town.”
“Yeah, because you’re an embarrassment of a brother and she loves me more. I brought her chocolate.”
His booming laugh came through the speaker.
“I hope, for your own safety, that you brought her more than just chocolate.”
“Yeah, I have a little something extra.”
A very little, beautiful, six-year-old, brown-eyed something.
At the other end of the phone, I heard a very high, demanding cry. Looks like Gino had to go back to his duty, so I left him to it. Maybe I should consider myself lucky that Romina came to me fully cooked and I was spared the crying and diapers, but I couldn’t be too happy. It must have been so damn hard for Salva to figure things out all alone. She knew nothing about kids when we were together. Now it was my turn to put my ass to work.