Page 72 of Ludmila
Hugo shook his head and then came to stand next to me.
“You wanted to have the last word?” he asked, but my father didn’t buy that shit.
“Why the hell did you do that, son?”
“Because if someone finds him, I’m not letting Ludmila take the fall. Now he can be traced back to me.”
We loaded him in the trunk and Hugo got behind the wheel, but Dad stopped me before I walked back to my car.
“Is she worth it, Enzo? She’s not family, she’s just a woman you’ve met not so long ago.”
“I love her.”
“I didn’t ask you that.”
“Dad,” I cleared my throat. “Would you kill for Mom?”
“I’ve killed for your mother.”
“And I would for Ludmila. Popov used to beat her, and I wanted to kill him for that, but she wouldn’t let me. She said she didn’t want me to pay for a mistake like that. That woman is my end game, Dad.”
The old man nodded and then stretched his hand to shake mine.
“Congratulations, son. You found her much faster than I found your mother. Make sure you marry her fast, because if you shack up with a widow and you’re not wed, your grandmother will never let me hear the end of it.”
I’d be damned, in all this shitstorm, he made me laugh.
Chapter 24
When I walked through the door of my house again, my shoulders were damp and my head was groggy. Today was a shit show, and it was far from being over. I still had to slay Ludmila’s demons or else Popov would torment her from his unmarked grave forever.
It was late, close to four in the morning when I wrapped everything up and, so the only ones left at my place were my mother and Catherinelle who were both waiting for their husbands to take them home.
“Hey,” I said when I found them drinking tea on the couch.
“Enzo!” Mom got up and came to me. “Are you ok?”
“Yes, Mom. Ludmila was right, she took care of him.”
Catherinelle puffed, annoyed, before starting to talk.
“Yeah, well, I would have done the same thing. Who the fuck treats a woman like that? I’m just sorry he wasn’t alive so Hugo could do his number on Popov. I once saw my husband ripping an arm off of someone. That’s what Alexei Popov deserved.” God, I loved my aunt!
“Ludmila told you how he treated her?”
“I had my suspicions anyways. What I didn’t know is that she started banging my twenty-two-year-old nephew.”
“Because it was none of your business.”
“How long has this been going on? The thing between you two?”
“Since the first time I saw her,” I answered in one breath. “Where is Ludmila?”
Mom took over from here.
“She’s upstairs in your bedroom, Enzo. I told her to try and sleep, but I don’t think she’ll get any rest tonight. I got rid of her clothes and washed her up, so she’s wearing one of your track suits. Roman took her car, there was too much blood in it. He said he’d get rid of it.”
“Thank you, Mother.” I took both of her hands and kissed them. “I’m so sorry I dragged all of you into my mess.”