Page 9 of Ludmila
She pushed me away and went straight for the door, leaving me gawking at the door like I was an idiot. When I came back to the table she was talking to my mom, complimenting her outfit.
Alexei slammed his hand on the table and laughed.
“Let me tell you something, Gino, you and I have something in common.”
“And what is that, Alexei?”
“We sure know how to pick pretty women.” Motherfucker! The way I hated this man was hard to handle. “I mean, look at these two over here. Two sexy little birds.”
I didn’t give my father a chance to respond.
“Hey, you’d better watch how you talk about my mother, Mr. Popov. It could get you in a lot of trouble.” Yes, I threatened him, I didn’t give a fuck, but I saw Ludmila trembling in her chair.
“Ah, look at him, he’s got nerve. I like it.” I also had a gun, and a pretty efficient team of boys who could get rid of his useless body. “Calm down, young Nucci, I meant no disrespect. You can talk about my daughter like that, I don’t mind.”
Piece of shit.
“I was taught better,” I responded, but he still looked amused.
“What can I say? At least I was speaking the truth. Ludmila, get up,” he ordered her, and I wanted to smash my fist in his face.
“Why?” Her voice was so little and fragile.
“I said get up.” This time she followed his order. She looked stunning in a red dress and matching hair band. “Ok, now spin. Look at the ass she has on her, like she’s a stripper.”
Ludmila’s cheeks turned red, and she looked down, her shoulders slumped because she was embarrassed. I wanted to throw that fucking dick off the roof and take her out of here. My fists tightened, and all I wanted to do was smash his fucking face to a pulp, but I had to stay there and watch him treat my queen like trash.
My father’s voice stopped him before he got to do anything else that would really send me over the edge.
“Alexei, this is all in good fun, but before you say something else, let me tell you some things. You and I could have a very fruitful relationship, let’s not ruin it before it starts.” For the first time I saw the fucker’s face turning serious.
“Far be it from me, Don Nucci.”
“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear your last few sentences before I get really pissed off, ok?”
“I don’t get it, Don.”
“My wife was a stripper.”
“Oh.” Yeah, motherfucker. I almost wished for him to do one of his stupid jokes, so I could have a reason to get this over with, “I meant it as a compliment. I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, Mrs. Nucci.”
“It’s fine.” I’d never seen my mom smile so fake before. Of course she didn’t like him, we’d all just listened to him talk about his wife like she was a piece of meat.
Katja looked me with sympathy and a sad smile on her face.
“I’m sorry for that. Papa is not good company most of the time.” She whispered to me while Alexei was busy bragging about his money or some shit.
“You don’t say. He just asked me to debase you. Hey,” I said, feeling bad for her, “don’t let anyone talk about you the way he just did. Not me or anyone else.”
“Thank you, Enzo. You’re right. Ludmila didn’t deserve that.”
“No one does.”
Saying that only made me more furious. I had to get the fuck out of there because there was no way to go through an entire lunch seeing his slimy hand on Ludmila’s knee.
My phone rang, and I saw Roman’s name on the screen.