Page 107 of September Rain
"You're losing too much weight." She sounds her usual bitchy self.
I really couldn't give less of a shit.
My short fingernails dig into my scalp, working in the shampoo.
"Why aren't you eating?"
To torture you.
I start humming a new song I heard on the radio the other day. I didn't mean to listen, but when I heard the singing guitar, I had to take it in. It was brilliant. The front man was doing this new kind of rap-singing and talking about the gift of feeling alive. Not that I have a right to, but the song made me feel a little better for just a few minutes.
"You're wasting away."
I know by the sound of her voice that she's crossing her arms and step back under the hot spray to rinse my hair.
"You can't ignore me forever." She promises, as I keep my wandering gaze averted. I still have a tendency to want to look at her.
The shower timer runs out, shutting off the water. When I step around my company to reach for my towel, Avery shoves her shoulder into me. My feet slip across the slick floor in different directions. I catch my balance for a half-second, but fall anyways.
The sound of my butt slamming against the tile catches the guards' attention. Avery is in the dry stall opposite me when the plain uniform woman stalks over, unaware. Looming above me, her eyes take in my wet, exposed state.
"I slipped." I tell her, because it's the easiest explanation. She watches me get back to my feet and dry off.
"You better start eating. I can make you, you know." Avery calls after me as I'm taken to the dressing area.
Last Friday I finished telling my story to the review board. I assumed that today, Monday, I'd be returning to Canyon View. Instead, I've been summoned back to that damned room. I don't know what the hell they want from me. I've got nothing left.
Lunchtime means macaroni and cheese floating down the toilet. My stomach is constantly pinched, but I like thinking of Avery holding her abdomen and complaining about the cramps.
After they come to remove my lunch tray, two guards step in and shackle me. I'm docile as they lead me back to the interview room.
Tight Bun Tara and Quiet Darren are sitting at the table with Mister Brandon and one other man. New Guy is sitting in a middle chair between the two familiar faces opposite my usual spot.
On the table, there's a small paper cup containing my afternoon medication. I am seated, and take the pills with the provided cup of apple juice, like a good little nut-job, while everyone watches. I hold my mouth open and wiggle my tongue around to show that I've swallowed all everything.
"Good afternoon, Miss Patel," the stranger between Tara and Darren says a little too brightly, "I'm Doctor Schumacher." He is thin, with white hair and gold-rimmed glasses with lenses too thick for the frames.
As I play with the cuffs on my chair, I ask, "What kind of doctor?" even though I already know.
"I am the psychiatrist appointed by the state to oversee your reevaluation."
"Of course you are. Why would the state bother talking to my doctors? I've only been seeing them for the past six years. It's much smarter to get a new guy to ask the same damned questions."
Tara turns her head to hide a smile.
"And you're a little late." I add, "I've already told my story."
"I know. I've been supervising from in there." He points behind him at the mirrored window. "I also have specified reports from your doctors at Canyon View, which are very telling."
I nod, trying not to roll my eyes.
"I've requested your presence this morning to answer a few more questions. Once we're satisfied, we'll officially conclude this reevaluation."
Now he's got my attention.
He holds up his hand, throwing out a peace sign. "Two things. First, I'd like you elaborate, if you will, on the presence of Deanna Midler at the motel room that night."