Page 73 of September Rain
The clouded look in his eyes made my heart prance. "Can I see my ring?"
Jake shook his head, "Oh, yeah." He pulled away, letting my feet rest on the ground for the first time since we left the stage. "We have a day off in Phoenix and can get it sized there."
I kept my mouth shut tight when Jake slipped the band onto my finger. It was beautifully simple and way too big. Even for my thumb.
"This is the ring my grandfather gave to my grandmother. She had fat fingers, but they were married for sixty years, Angel."
"Good omen." I choked on the words.
Jake tucked an arm around me and eased my chin up, whispering. "My Angel, my Angel. I love to sing your name. I'll sing it my whole life."
My insides liquefied with that smoldering poetry. His body radiated a heat that lit me on fire. The kiss that followed was pure, undiluted passion. His soft lips savored mine, spinning me, stretching time, encasing me in the weightless flames of his scorching tongue, burning me up and taking me down into the deepest depths of love. Every cell in my body was filled with worship and desire for him as he bit into my bottom lip.
His hand gripped my throat in that way he had, shooting a grievous need for him deep into my belly. I moaned into his mouth when his fingers grazed the skin of my back. I reached around him and gripped his leather-clad behind. He was just describing the scandalous things he planned to do to me when a short rap on the door I was pressed against interrupted us. I felt it disappear as it opened. Jake kept me pulled into his chest while discreetly adjusting himself.
I was surprised to see Max stepping inside the small room, looking between Jake and me with a nervous smirk. He'd actually knocked. "Hate to interrupt-" Jake guffawed at that-"but it's almost time, assholes."
Andrew fell in behind him, bowing in an uncharacteristic, genial way. "Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations, assholes."
Jake and me both smiled, but said nothing. I slid the huge ring off and pressed it into Jakes palm. His forehead lined with concern when he looked at it.
"So I don't lose it," I explained and he relaxed.
He looked nervous again as he stared out at the door to the stage.
"As soon as we're done tonight, you both should go." Max muttered. "We'll load the stuff on our own."
Jake slapped him on the back. "I don't know. Can I trust you assholes not to lose my shit?"
"We'll get Gary to help." Andrew announced, looking behind me where old Long Tooth himself was ambling in. He smelled like beer. "You won't lose Jakes' shit, will you, Gary?"
"Only if he asks me to; for insurance purposes." Gary smirked, looking at me and Jake. "That was priceless. I thought you were gonna faint, you looked so damn surprised."
"I was." My face cracked into a beaming smile.
"I could never do anything like that." Gary bellowed.
His volume was sheer and bracing inside what was a quiet space. The band was usually somber, spending their last preshow moments reflecting on their goals for that nights' performance. Even though we'd been talking, every ones voices were subdued. The noise was outside. It was Jake's ritual, but that night he didn't seem to mind Gary's jovial air.
"Man," Gary looked quizzically at Jake, "What if she said 'no'?"
As if there was any danger of that, I thought, shaking my head.
Jake answered, "That was the whole point. No way she'd deny me in front of a crowd."
Gary nodded, thoughtfully, "Entrapment. Smart move," he turned to wield his loud manner at Max, inquiring about merchandise.
Jake held me tighter, leaning in to whisper. "You know why I picked that song?"
"The name?" I whispered back.
I felt his smile against my cheek. "That song was playing the night I found you again. Angel was coming through the speakers. Angel was staring at my package." He chuckled when I gasped. "Don't you remember?"
I leaned back, looking down at his body and taking in the sight: his taut torso beneath the ribbed cotton of his tank top, those sexy leather pants that hung on hips in just the right way. "I've always loved those pants."
His breath tickled my ear. "You had that shitty band picture on your shirt, but my face was right over heart. I knew then, it was all mine."
I turned my head up and pecked his cheek. How did he know that as I stood there in the hall that night, watching him walk away, that I had secretly given him my heart? "You have it always, Jake."