Page 37 of Brown Eyed Daddy: A Single Dad Next Door Romance
They began a water fight much like the ones they used to have in Madrid when they were younger, and things were great between them. In that hour as they splashed each other, each trying to get the other to surrender, all the years melted away, and it was like they were back in Spain having some fun before they headed home for the night.
Lucas threw himself onto the beach. “I give up.”
“You are- what do the Americans call it? A chicken,” she began to make chicken noises at him.
Lucas pretended to be offended. “And you are what they call a sore loser.”
Lorena surprised herself and him by throwing her head back and laughing before she plopped next to him on the sand.
They lay there, side by side, their bodies barely touching as they breathed deeply and stared at the deep blue sky. The sun shone down on them, its rays warming them up.
Unknowingly, Lorena had moved closer to Lucas and had fitted herself to his side. He placed one arm around her just like he used to do.
Lorena took a deep breath before she looked up at Lucas who was already gazing at her.
“Que pasa?”
“I need to tell you something, but before I do you, you have to promise you’ll wait till I’m finished before you say anything, and please think very carefully before you make a decision because it is a big deal.”
“Are you offering to be my sponsor?” Lucas teased.
Lorena slapped him on the arm, an amused smile tugging on the corner of her lips before she sobered up.
“When I told you to go to America, when you got that scholarship, I knew that I had to let you go, so you could pursue your dream. So I convinced you that it was okay.”
“I know why you did it, Lor. We agreed we’d try the long distance thing, but it was too hard after a while, I thought we both agreed to that.”
Lorena gave an exasperated sigh. “Would you stop interrupting?”
Lucas held up his hand and mimed shutting his mouth.
“It was the right decision at the time, but what I didn’t tell you is that I was pregnant.”
She proceeded to tell Lucas the story, why she had made the decisions she made, and Lucas listened quietly nodding to let her know he was keeping up.
When she was finished, she waited anxiously for his reaction.
“I’m sorry.”
“What?” she whispered unsure of where this was coming from.
“I’m sorry I made you feel like you were alone when you lost the baby, and like you had to let me go, so that I could pursue my dream while you raised our daughter. That wasn’t fair to you, and I wish you had told me the truth, but I understand why you didn’t.”
He rolled over, so he was looming on top of her. “Really. When can I meet Elena?”
Lorena laughed, a lovely carefree sound. “How about tonight? She’s with the baby sitter right now, but we can go see her.”
Lucas leaned in and nuzzled her neck. “I like that-we.” He pulled back and gazed at her, his eyes full of questions. Lorena nodded as he pressed his lips to hers.
He kissed her slowly at first, as if taking his time letting the years reacquaint him with what his body already knew, but soon his kissing grew more insistent, and he gently bit down on her bottom lip. She parted her lips and groaned as their tongues battled for dominance.
She lifted her hips and pressed herself closer causing Lucas to moan in the back of his throat. His hands ran up and down her body leaving goosebumps in his wake.
Lorena ran her hands over his back and snaked them underneath his shirt. She helped him out as he helped her out of her shirt.
He placed both hands on her breasts and began to knead them till her breasts practically spilled out of her bra, and all the while Lorena was writhing, gasping like a swimmer who was desperate for air.