Page 12 of Rugged and Filthy
“You’re feistier than normal.” She grinned but I could sense concern in her voice. “Not that I mind. I’m so glad you agreed to come out with me. I know it’s been rough.”
“Let’s not talk about it. Okay?”
“O-kay. Let’s not. I just want you to be happy.”
“You and everyone else. I am happy. Can’t you tell?”
“Yeah, right. Which is why you have bags under your eyes.”
“Fuck you!” I snorted and returned to the ‘x’ on the floor. The owner of the damn bar had found it necessary to mark the spot where players should stand. As if the usual drunken assholes who frequented Charlie’s Bar cared.
Here I was, standing on it like a good girl.
I threw the first dart with gusto, the entire point driven into the cork material. “Nothing is wrong.”
“Right. I heard Dumbo was flying over Dublin. What gives?”
“Just Pops. He’s been bugging me to settle down again.”
“Maybe he’s right. It’s been a couple years since Finn… well, you know. Why not find yourself a hot, rugged Culchie.”
I slowly turned my head in her direction as she burst into laughter. She’d teased me about finding a local country boy for as long as I could remember. “Now you sound like my sister. Stop. I’ll have you know I’m holding out for the good stuff.”
“Which is?”
“I dunno,” I said after a few seconds, tossing dart number two. Bullseye again. I was running hot tonight.
Maybe just hot and bothered.
It had been a long time since I’d spent any quality time with a man. And I certainly didn’t mean the jerks in the bar. “Not a chance. I ain’t bringing anyone around the house.”
“It’s called a date, not a sleepover. I mean unless you find that sexy one and need to do a little line dancing under the covers.”
“You’ve been watching too much American television.”
Fallon shrugged. She’d been my buddy since high school, helping me through thick and thin. When things had gotten to the point I wanted to drown my sorrows in a bottle of whiskey, she’d been there to pick me up when I’d fallen on my face. And there’d been more than one time. She’d also reminded me of the reasons I needed to go on living when all I’d wanted to do was die.
“And what’s wrong with that? They do have some sexy as fuck men in the States.”
“You do know most of them have a plastic surgeon on staff.”
“You are incorrigible.”
“No, I’m realistic,” I countered.
She folded her arms and stared at me.
“What? Just say it, Fallon.”
“You’re lonely. Admit it. You haven’t had a date in a couple years and I can tell you certainly haven’t gotten laid in forever.”
“Do you want to announce that to the entire bar?” The sad truth was she was right. There’d been too many tragic things that had happened in my life plus people I’d needed to take care of. That was my duty, along with trying to keep my father’s business from going any further into the red.
“I’m just saying you should consider indulging in some hot nookie. You deserve a break.”
I tossed another dart with enough force I was shocked I hadn’t missed, driving into the ugly paneled wall instead. “I don’t know, Fallon. What if I do and I like it?”
She choked on purpose. “That’s what’s supposed to happen. Live a little. Let go. I’m not suggesting you fall in love but…”