Page 91 of Rugged and Filthy
“The galley. She’s safe. We need to get to pull the emergency stop before it blows. Now!” I yelled. My thoughts were rattled enough as it was.
“Go get her. Take her back to the quarters and stay with her,” Foxx told Hudson. “I’ll go with Jack.”
“Yeah. I will.” Hudson took off running in the opposite direction.
There was no time. I raced into the danger zone, Foxx following me. My thoughts drifted back and forth from the heightened level of danger to the fact I’d left Rylee alone. Shit. Shit. The wind whipped uncontrollably and it felt like the entire rig was rocking back and forth from the intensity of the waves.
I made it to the small maintenance room, almost knocked down by an intense wave.
“Someone turned the pump on,” I yelled over the din of the pounding water, finally finding the shut-off.
Pop! Pop! Pop!
This time, the popping sounds weren’t coming from guns but from equipment in the room. When a spark started a fire, flames licking out from one of the control boxes, Foxx growled.
“We gotta get out of here.”
“Not before I turn this goddamn thing off. Help me,” I yelled at him, barely able to hear myself think.
Together we pushed at the lever, both of us shocked that it was stuck. What the fuck was going on? The flames intensified and I knew we had seconds before losing the entire rig.
“Ahh!” I yelled as I used every ounce of strength I had just like Foxx was doing. While the lever finally started to budge from its frozen position, the flames were getting closer, the crackling of current as it roared through one piece of equipment to another horrifying. But nothing was going to stop me now.
When we finally managed to push it into the off position, Foxx grabbed my arm, trying to guide me out of the room.
“We gotta get out of here,” he repeated.
“Not without putting out this fucking fire,” I told him, grabbing one of two fire extinguishers.
“Fucking hardhead. I don’t want to save your sorry ass a second time in my life.”
Now I was in my element, grinning at him as I pulled the trigger at the same time he did. Together, we sprayed foam over the systems. It seemed like forever but finally the flames were out.
I eased the extinguisher to the deck, gasping for air as I leaned over. “We gotta get off… this fucking… shithole.”
“Yeah, buddy. I heard you.”
I was certain I heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from somewhere. I glanced at Foxx. “Was that the fucking wind?”
“I don’t know but we need to get back to Rylee. I don’t like this shit at all.”
“Yeah, me neither.” Now I had a twinge of guilt for leaving her alone. “Come on.”
Footsteps sounded from behind us, Cormac rushing into the room before we had a chance to walk out.
“That was fucking close,” he said, just as breathless as we were. “Two men were killed, another two men knocked unconscious. Who the fuck is doing this? Declan?”
“I don’t know. However, that’s what we’re going to find out,” I answered, studying Foxx’s face. I didn’t care what it took; we’d get to the fucking bottom of this nightmare before it was too late.
Another set of footsteps sounded off close to the room, Hudson rushing inside seconds later. The look of horror on his face stopped me cold.
“She’s disappeared. There are signs of a struggle. And blood.”
Ten minutes earlier