Page 61 of Healing Her Lions
“Good,” he repeats. We fall silent. “You need to talk to Stephanie. Not only to tell her that you told me and that I’m happy she is well, but to ask her if she remembers Ava. I believe Ava talked to her.”
“I will,” I promise. I move my hand from his back to his neck, to his head, pressing lightly. Just as I hoped, he drops his head, twisting to land on my shoulder.
“Fuck, Sugar,” he growls.
“Let it go, Handsome,” I encourage. “You are free now. You don’t have to be stuck in a cage anymore. Your brothers love you. I was supposed to be here, for you, in this moment.” He turns completely, leaving his forehead on my shoulder, and wraps his arms around me. “You don’t have to tell me any more about it, but if you want to talk about it, I will listen. I will do whatever you need.”
“Fuck,” he says again.
I stroke from his head down his curved back, as far as I can reach over and over again.
“None of it was your fault. You did nothing wrong,” I whisper. We hold each other tightly. My mind is racing. I do believe I am supposed to be here. It is fated. Stephanie being in my life, bringing her magic and experiences to my life, has been preparing me to be a mate to three lions. She helped ease my fears that a human would naturally have meeting them—being a mate to them.
He sighs deeply. “You asked me what I want.” He stands, his hands gliding from my back to my hips. “This is what I want. I want you, anyway that I can get you. I want you to love my brothers. We need you. Just you.”
I blink away the tears that want to fall again. I was running away from a family that used my need to take care of the ones I love. They took advantage of my generosity and my love. Logan…Lucas…and Las would never act like they have.
“I’m beginning to need you, too,” I confess. I squeeze his shoulders.
“Good,” he grins slightly. “That is what we want.” I laugh, and it feels nice. He leans down. “Can I tell you something else I want?” he whispers in my ear.
“Yes,” I whisper back.
He flexes his hands, tightening his grip, picks me up, and spins me. My ass meets the island. He takes a step back and hums. My hands fall flat beside me to stabilize the suddenness of his withdrawal.
“I do like control. My life has been out of my hands for years, so I take some of it back in ways I can.” He widens his legs, starting at my feet, and his eyes travel over me. “I love it when you call me Handsome. I would like you to call me that when I fuck you.” As he finishes his survey, he stares into my eyes, rubbing his head. “I love your hands on my head. Anytime I eat you, I want them there. Come as much as you can. There is no room for shyness or doubt when we are together. Everything about you turns me on. I am open to trying different things with you as long as the result is my cock in your pussy and your come flowing.” He steps forward, putting his hands beside mine. “I like to praise. I already know you like that, so get ready for a lot of it. Never be ashamed of what you need or what we do.” He kisses me lightly. “Do you want me? Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Yes, please,” I say sweetly.
“So polite,” he teases, touching the tip of his finger to my nose. “Did you establish a safe word with Las?”
“Tell me,” he demands.
“Good. I may use toys on you or maybe an occasional cuff. Are you open to that?”
“I am,” I say firmly. I’m getting hotter the longer he talks about fucking me; I may explode the moment he puts his hands on me.
“Use your word at any time you feel uncomfortable.”
“I will, Handsome,” I purr.
He closes his eyes as he tilts his head. “That fucking word coming from your mouth,” he growls. His lashes lift to blaze into mine.
“You like it, Handsome,” I whisper.
“Woman,” he rasps. “You want to push me, don’t you?”
I lift a shoulder. “Maybe a bit.” He’s so fucking hot. I want him desperately.
“Mmmm…” Logan stands straight and looks at me with narrowed eyes. “Are you fond of those clothes?”
I follow his gaze to my body. I am wearing a T-shirt, which is nothing special, and a pair of jeans. “No,” I answer.
“Do you trust me?” he asks.