Page 89 of Healing Her Lions
I am on the verge of getting everything I always wanted. I should feel ecstatic, but I’ve learned in the past that nothing usually goes as smoothly as you hope.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Iroll over and snuggle in. I don’t want to leave the bed. It’s so quiet without my mates around. Logan woke me awhile ago in a rush, letting me know that they had an emergency at one of the jobs. I was barely coherent but I remember him saying they would send someone to stay with me. It took me ten minutes to come out of the fog. I do love my sleep.
I’m alone and feeling lazy.
How could I go from having a horrible time at dinner to the best bath in the history of baths? I rewind the night and cringe. My parents are probably planning their next attack. I have a hard time believing they will just leave, even with Las’s threat. I appreciate their support. I have worked hard to get to the point of cutting them out of my life but sometimes I’m tired of fighting. I don’t even want to think about where and what Caleb is up to.
I’m excited for the future. Steph and I will have our bakery. I will have three lion shifter mates and I won’t have to deal with my family anymore.
I slink out of bed, grab some shorts and a tank, and go to the bathroom. As I’m brushing my teeth, staring at my face in the mirror, I wonder if I will change when I become a lion shifter, besides the obvious differences.
I have a list of questions running through my head that I want to ask the guys as I put my hair in a bun.
1. Will I be able to shift right away after they bite me?
2. Do we have sex as animals? Because that is going to be a hard no for me.
3. Do I still have all of my human thoughts while shifted?
4. If I get pregnant, will I have a litter?
5. Will the change hurt?
6. Will I be able to kick anyone’s ass?
7. Will they really never leave me?
8. Do we lick our bodies to clean ourselves?
I shudder.
Okay, so Steph and I didn’t go into great detail when we talked about mates.
I sigh and go to the kitchen.
I look out the window and see the sun shining brightly. I leave the door locked but open the window, letting in the gentle breeze, and look around for y phone.
If I have to stay in today, or until one of their friends shows up, I want to bake something. I find my phone on the floor next to the bed and go to m playlists. I turn the volume all the way up and place it on the counter. I open the cupboard and study the contents. What would my mates like to eat? I get a thrill from the prospect of baking for them for the first time. I haven’t asked them what flavors they prefer. We haven’t spent a lot of time talking about our likes and dislikes. They have to like chocolate, right? Or maybe they like vanilla better?
I giggle just thinking about the word vanilla when it comes to them.
I’ll take my chances and make a decadent chocolate cake. I push around the items on the shelf to make sure I have everything I need and spread everything over the counter. I have to find some time to try out some recipes to put on the menu.
I have never been a clean baker. I just go for it and worry about the mess later.
My smile is dreamy as I get started, so excited to present the cake to the guys later. I love being around them. I love feeling so accepted and loved.
I drop the spoon in the bowl.
I have been falling fast and hard for a while now. I have admitted that to myself, but I haven’t said the word love with authority.
“I love them,” I whisper.