Page 69 of Dive Into Me
“Well, I’m glad you're ready to talk because I’m coming to LA soon. There’s something I have to tell you, and I don’t want to do it over the phone.”
I turned back to Jamie when I heard that. My feelings about him finally letting everyone in on our romance were mixed. On one hand, I was happy that I was important enough for him to want to go public. On the other hand, I was terrified that stepping out of our perfect, secret bubble might ruin things. Would his friends judge our relationship? Would I be accepted into Jamie’s high society circle? I was so lost in thought that I didn’t hear the end of Jamie’s conversation with Lincoln.
I jumped when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I’d been clutching the balcony rails for dear life as my anxious thoughts ran wild.
“I’m sorry about that,” Jamie said.
“No need to be sorry about a conversation with your friend.” Who happened to be my ex-boyfriend… Whenever Lincoln appeared in our perfect picture, awkwardness was never far behind.
“You’re upset.”
“Don’t lie to me, Charlotte,” he sighed as he stepped back and turned me to face him.
With reluctance, I met his gaze.
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” he demanded in that bossy tone that always made me roll my eyes.
However, the concern and pleading in his eyes soften the moment. I didn’t want to weigh him down with my negativity when he was still clearly upset about his conversation with Lincoln.
“It’s…” I swallowed, fighting the urge to be honest and tell him about my fear… The one where our relationship ended when he realized that I wasn’t worth the risk to his friendship or his posh life. “I just hope things work out between you and Lincoln, that’s all.”
The grand ballroom of the hotel was abuzz with activity. People sipped champagne, chatted, and laughed. There was so much bling in the room that my eyes dazzled, and I could practically smell money. I took in the crowd of super-wealthy folks, a little dazed. That flutter of nerves that plagued me when I first stepped into the room was coming back. I wasn’t one of them and they could probably all tell…
However, my feeling of insecurity came to a halt the second Jamie was back in my sight. He wore a smile as he approached carrying the two glasses of champagne he left my side to get. I grinned back. He was so handsome in his tux… absolutely swoon-worthy. I didn’t miss the envious looks I’d gotten from some of the ladies.
They were miffed that they weren’t the recipient of Jamie Winchester’s attention. I’d read so many blogs about him being one of New York’s—and the country’s—most eligible bachelors. When I read a few of them to him, he’d been so embarrassed. His humility was one of his many endearing qualities.
I took the glass he offered and smiled broadly when he wrapped an arm around my waist and proceeded to sip from his glass. His hold was possessive and I liked it. It showed me that he was proud to have me on his arm despite me not moving in his social circle.
“Are you having a good time?” he asked.
“I always have a great time with you.”
He glanced at me. “Good because I hope to take you to more of these pointless shindigs. With you by my side, I don’t suffer through them like I usually do.”
My heart skipped a beat as it always did when he implied that we were in this for the long haul, but I played it cool. “Pointless? It’s a charity gala.”
“For which I could have simply written a big check. However, it’s important that I keep up with the social expectations of a Winchester,” he sighed.
The annoyance in his voice made my chest tighten with sympathy. After being with him for months and getting immersed in his world, I’d glimpsed the less glamorous side of his billionaire lifestyle. He had so many obligations, such as showing up to high society events like this when he really didn’t want to.
Keeping up with his affluent surname seemed exhausting and I understood why he’d been so somber when we first met. The man could barely get a moment to let loose and relax. The social expectations, the endless meetings and appearances, the constant scrutiny… Camera lights nearly blinded me when we showed up to the gala, for goodness’ sake. Jamie warned me that we might end up in the paper or on society blogs. I didn’t even know how to feel about that…
Jamie’s life made me realize that I shouldn’t envy the wealthy folks in the room or feel too bad about my life. At least I was genuinely happy. Most of them seemed to be putting on fake smiles for their peers and the cameras.
It was a good thing Jamie and I met. I could make sure he remembered to enjoy himself from time to time. Glancing at him with a smile, I said, “How about you and I sneak off to get away from this crowd? They’re so stuffy.” There was a dance floor and no one was even putting it to use.
He chuckled. “Most of these people wouldn’t be caught dead having fun. Some of them might even be allergic to it.” He nodded to an older woman who stood in one corner, watching everyone with disdain.
Laughing, I looped my arm around his and tugged him to the double doors we had entered through. Before we exited, we deposited our empty glasses. He followed my lead, his laughter mingling with my giggles.
“Where are we heading?” he asked.