Page 81 of Dive Into Me
He shrugged. “We weren’t on speaking terms.”
“Because you were being immature.”
“I admit that I was.” He watched me through narrowed eyes. “I can tell what you’re thinking. I didn’t reach out to Charlotte to try to win her back. I was genuinely worried. At the end of the day, she’s my friend.”
My shoulders, which had hiked up to my ears, slowly relaxed.
“How is she?” I asked longingly… desperately.
I tossed my drink back and winced as it burned a path down my esophagus.
“About as miserable as you are.”
I tucked my chin into my chest. “She thinks that I?—”
“I know, and I set her straight.”
I sat taller. “Then why the fuck hasn’t she called me or answered any of my texts?”
He stroked his jaw and frowned. “I think that’s something you two should talk about. I don’t want to get in the middle…”
I slammed my glass onto the counter. “Goddamn it, Lincoln. You’re already in the middle. Tell me so I can fix things with her.”
“She’s scared, Jamie. Okay? She told me about what your father said.”
“He won’t be a problem. I dealt with him.”
Lincoln tilted his head, and he lifted his glass. “Hmmm. It’s about time. Cheers.”
“Lincoln,” I growled.
He sighed. “She knows the truth but is still reluctant to jump back into things with you, man. She’s felt insecure about your different lifestyles from the beginning. The entire mess with Gwendolyn is a sign that you two won’t work.”
My heart sank into my ass as I gawked at Lincoln.
“I told her that was a crock of shit, by the way.” He shrugged. “But she wouldn’t listen to me. She insists on protecting herself from further hurt.”
I dropped my head onto the bar, my forehead making a thudding noise on the surface.
“Bashing your head in won’t help, Jamie,” Lincoln said. “You’ll need your brain intact if you’re going to get Charlotte back.”
I snorted, fully aware of the irony of the situation. My lover’s ex-boyfriend, who had been angry with me for pursuing her, was the one trying to help me win her back after our alleged breakup.
“Why do you care?”
“As I told Charlotte, I care about the both of you. I was a jackass for prolonging the tension between us. You didn’t steal Charlotte from me. She chose you. Besides, she and I aren’t compatible.”
My eyes narrowed to slits. “So you just found clarity all on your own?”
His sheepish smile sent amusement coursing through me despite my misery about Charlotte.
“No. Michael told me to stop being a petty bitch and not throw away my friendship because of my wounded pride. Yes, the ass actually called me a petty bitch.”
I chuckled and grabbed the glass Lincoln had refilled. “To Michael, the hardass who has never led us astray.” I suppose he was wiser than the rest of us because he was the oldest of the group and he was an actual father.
He tipped his glass, and we drank.
“I’m sorry about how things happened,” I said.