Page 12 of Reject Omega
“I think we can be friends, don’t you? I’d hate for your experience here to be negative. Dark Haven can be... life changing,” he said in a deeper tone than he had used before. The lust-filled husk had ice running through my veins and the shadows in the room filling nearly every open space. His scent swelled in the air, alpha pheromones making my stomach turn.
I was trapped here now and my breaths were coming out in ragged puffs as my head swam.
What did I do?
His hand landed on my thigh, the skin buzzing angrily underneath as my panic rose. He ignored my erratic breathing like this wasn’t quickly turning into a nightmare. He continued to slide his hand up my leg, pushing my skirt up inch by inch.
Day one in this place and I was already ready to escape. But then again, I never signed up to be assaulted by the man who was supposed to oversee this program.
“No,” I said. “Don’t touch me.” I tried to shove his hand away and glared up at him. My panic was rising but he was unrelenting, not giving an inch. Dread filled my stomach, and I started flailing, doing anything I could to get away.
His grip tightened, all amusement now gone. “Now, remember, I’m the one who assigns your room. Picks your activities and therapy, including experimental ones. Hell, when you leave this room, I give the recommendations, Harlow. I’d hate for you to make the wrong choice here.”
He wasn’t using an alpha’s barked command. No, he wanted me to let him do this. The sick fuck must get off on control.
Where the fuck was Monty? Why was he allowing this to go on?
The shadows thickened around us, forcing me to focus on the man above me. He was no longer handsome but twisted. His eyes were full of anticipation, and I knew at that moment this was common practice for him.
“Does anyone else know you’re as sick as we are?” I grit out through my locked jaw.
His hand gripped my throat, squeezing until my vision wavered. Spit sprayed my face as he bit out his warning.
“Watch what you say to me, Harlow. I’m your master here.”
What an odd choice of words.
For once I didn’t stay away from the shadows, I welcomed them to wrap around me, silencing everything happening to me in the office.
I was calm, watching the shadows swirl around me until a sharp yell cut through the shadows, chasing them away.
The asshole was panting now as he loomed over me, giving me a look that was full of annoyance. This was nothing more than a power play to him, something to hold against me and use to keep my compliance.
He stepped back, looking disgusted before giving me a wave to dismiss me.
With a deep breath, I fixed myself and stood on shaking legs. There was a sharp ache with every movement, and I glared at the vile man who was using his position to abuse his patients. If he was capable of this, I shuddered to think of what else he got away with here.
“Where’s my room?” It was a miracle that my words came out even and strong.
His fake charm was back in place as he smiled back like he hadn’t just crossed several lines.
“I’ve got your welcome packet here, now that we’ve got the welcoming out of the way.” A cold shiver racked through me as his charmed words slithered out of him like the snake he was. “I think you can handle it from here. Your monthly stipend and the rules are in there.” He sat down and haphazardly shoved a folder my way. I grabbed it and stalked out of the room. The cocky bastard didn’t even bother to lock the door. “Oh, and Harlow?”
“What?” I bit out through the tears as I turned back to face him, knowing if I didn’t, it would only get worse for me. But internally, I was plotting his death and my escape.
No one got to make me feel this way and get away with it. Not anymore. And as twisted as it was, I was just as angry at Monty for leaving me here alone.
He’d promised I wouldn’t be.
“This welcoming can be a one-time thing, or I can use it as punishment. Your choice. I suggest you keep your mouth shut and follow your orders with precision and care. This place can either make or break you. Either way, no one would believe you over me. And if you try to run? I’ll find you. I have many friends with endless resources. There’s nowhere you can go that I won’t eventually find. Take the elevator to the third floor, the nurse will be waiting.”
Welcome to Dark Haven, where we own you, body and mind.
I’d traded one hell for another. What the fuck did I do in my past life to deserve this kind of bullshit?
The small space of the elevator had me ready to curl into a ball, but this ride felt much quicker than the previous one, with the door sliding open to reveal a nurse. Her lips pursed as she raked her eyes over me, and the pity in them told me she knew exactly what had happened.
The beta snapped out of it in an instant and dialed the cordless phone in her hand the moment I stepped off.