Page 3 of Reject Omega
The old man looked crazier than I did yet was judging me. Whatever he found on my face didn’t please him because he cocked his hand back and slapped me across the cheek. The slap echoed in the basement and I heard someone gasp behind us.
I was too stunned to speak or react, but Monty let out a feral growl that shook the walls.
Oddly enough, the terrifying sound helped to ground me. It chased away the pain and I focused on what he’d do now.
“We won’t listen to your wicked lies, demon. She’s just a child!”
“Actually, I’m sixteen, not a child. Not only are you all participating in an active kidnapping and holding me against my will, you’re listening to lies and abusing me,” I said calmly.
My lack of intensity seemed to shake the bishop further. Even so, he had yet to stop this madness. Monty was moving toward the priest who had hit me and I watched the man’s face pale at his presence alone. He knew there was evil here, he just didn’t know it wasn’t me he should fear.
“Don’t bother convincing them, little human. They’re not the type to be swayed,” Monty accused as he circled around the others, spreading the fear to the whole group.
When he was satisfied they were shaken, he moved back to the man who slapped me. I laughed mockingly, putting his focus on me as I watched the show.
Monty trailed a shadow-laced finger across the old man’s cheek.
The priest immediately put his hand over the spot, eyes wide as blood dripped down his cheek from my nightmare come to life. He was lucky Monty didn’t kill him where he stood.
My monster continued his walk, moving against the stone walls in a slow, purposeful pace. His claws scraped over them as he moved with an eerie screech. A cascade of dust and dirt fell to the ground and their eyes tracked the movement.
More than one man trembled like a scared child. Good. They should fear him. Especially if they hurt me.
I’d only seen Monty hurt someone for me once... and now that person, my father, was buried six feet under.
Where he fucking belonged. That was one death I celebrated. I hope he never got to rest in peace, just pieces.
The thought of my father had my breaths turning frantic. He’d abused me most of my life, but he took it to the next level when he sold me to his friend for gambling money.
The moment the money changed hands they'd signed their own death warrants. Monty wouldn't let that slide. Nor did he let that man touch me.
Murder-suicide is what they'd labeled it, but I knew it was nothing less than self-defense on my behalf. I’d watched as the entire thing unfolded with a sinister smile on my face.
If Monty had asked for my soul after that I’d have given it willingly.
“Demon! You will stop perversing this child!” another robed man accused, flipping the page and continuing his shouted bullshit while I rolled my eyes. Though, I was more than a little thankful he managed to pull me from that flashback before it could take hold of me completely.
“I’ll be back,” the bishop said as he bolted from the room, casting me one last look that showed every ounce of his worry and remorse.
He believed me and was likely going to question my grandmother.
Time was ticking now. He better hurry before they all died at the hands of the monster protecting me.
“The bishop thinks your grandma is lying about your possession, but the others don’t,” Monty informed me. He stopped in front of a robed priest, putting his shadowed hand on his head. “This one here has plans for you. Plans that might make me have to kill him anyway. That could be a fun way to end the night, filleting this man alive. Though, that might come back on you.”
“Aw, you love me,” I cooed at him before letting out another unhinged cackle.
Someone muttered something.
Bad idea.
Monty let out another growl, one that rumbled through the basement and gave every man pause. Even if they couldn’t see him, they sensed him, saw the room react at his touch, felt his presence lingering in the air.
“Untying me could also be fun,” I told Monty.
From the wide, fanged grin my imaginary friend sent my way, he heard me.
Instead of helping me, he simply disappeared, leaving me alone with my fate.