Page 34 of Reject Omega
How the fuck could I do that when it was the part I hated most about myself?
“She is yours as much as theirs, Drake. There are others as well. Sharing her is not optional. I have seen the future, Drake, and you’re a key part of it. Don’t let me down... or Harlow. She’s special.”
Hel was already in my head, she didn’t need me to respond. I could lie and say I didn’t want Harlow or any part of this, but it was a lie I couldn’t hide from her or myself.
This was the kind of purpose I needed in my life and I didn’t even know the details yet. That was enough to truly drive me crazy.
There was always mystery surrounding me. The demons, their purpose, Hel, Helheim... all of it. I’d researched what I could find in mythology, but most of my knowledge was a mix of human books and observations in Dark Haven.
I had a feeling neither were a true depiction of the realm itself.
Just as quickly as she had arrived in my mind, she was gone again, and my entire body sagged in relief.
I may hate her world, her demons, what I was because of it, but I couldn’t disrespect Hel herself. She could kill me with a snap of her fingers.
After the encounter, I was stuck frozen in front of the line of storefronts. I needed to move but I couldn’t quite make myself.
Hel’s words were ringing in my mind.
Harlow is mine.
“Hey there.” The seductive purr in my ear sent disgust rolling through me, and I stepped away. Glancing back, I saw Sarah, a human omega hookup that I was no longer going to entertain.
She was a distraction from my life, and bubbly enough that I couldn’t feed from her. The thought of touching anyone but Harlow or Hiro had me retreating.
She frowned at the open rejection and started to protest but I shook my head. The girl meant nothing to me, and I didn’t care that she was yelling insults at me as I walked away.
She was the reason I’d come out here in the first place. The curvy barista was my usual go-to when Dark Haven was too much. She didn’t ask questions, and I always made her feel good. The whole thing was devoid of emotions, but the release always helped.
“Fucking, Harlow,” I muttered, realizing she was the reason I couldn’t fuck away my tension. The bitch had gotten into my head, and Hel wasn’t helping.
Then again, if it she was meant to be mine, and I’d piss off the demon commander in the process, then why the hell wouldn’t I just fuck her?
That thought was enough for me to turn into the small convenience store I was now standing in front of, not leaving again until I had an armload of snacks.
Instead of running away from Dark Haven like usual, I was heading right back.
Life was fucked up sometimes.
Tuesday Afternoon
The First Floor
“Are you angry at your father?” Dr. Bradley’s question had me ready to scream. Was he fucking serious?
How had this man made it through any sort of fucking schooling? He’d started with questions about the exorcism, my grandmother and how I wound up with her, and wanted every detail of the encounter.
What kind of therapist asked what the buyer did to me, if he touched me?
Sick fuck.
“Watch your language.” Gran’s voice echoed in the room, and I jumped. He was watching me curiously but didn’t call me on the way I curled in on myself at the sound.
A glance around the tiny office revealed we were alone... outside of the shadows hanging in my peripheral, reminding me that this session was doing more harm than good.
Just his line of questioning alone had more and more shadows popping in.