Page 81 of Reject Omega
His voice shook, and I squeezed his hand.
“I think you’re right, but they wouldn’t achieve it without Hel knowing,” Drake said. “Whatever is happening, she’s very aware.”
“We just get to sit here and wait it out?” Hiro asked as he threw his hands up in frustration. “Fuck them for thinking that we’re some sort of cattle. It’s disgusting how they’re preying on the most vulnerable members of society.”
“I take it you and Drake had some long talks?” He definitely seemed to know more about demons now than before.
“Yes,” he said. “It feels like some sort of strange fever dream. Like what if I wake up and realize this was all some hallucination, you know?”
“I feel that way often.” I laughed. “But there’s a distinct difference in hallucinations and these demons. I can spot it now. Mainly because the demons are physical and can force shit to the surface including memories. My hallucinations aren’t that big of assholes.”
“Can we stop with this kumbaya bullshit and get the fuck out of here?” Drake bit out.
Demons were always a sore subject for him, so Hiro and I both shut up and followed him as he walked farther into the room.
A small scraping noise had me straining to listen, then confusion set in at the groans and grunts that followed. It only got louder the closer we got to the door.
“What is that?” I questioned.
“The demons should be gone at this point,” Drake answered. “So, hopefully just the boiler room.”
Drake pushed the door open, and we were met with the sight of Layne riding Crew, a fire burning behind them.
They were so involved that they didn’t notice us coming in despite the loud smack of the door against the wall.
“Fuck!” Crew called out as he slammed her down on his hips, finishing the job.
He got extra points for making her come with him.
Drake, being the dick he was, stepped forward and gave them a loud round of applause. Crew gasped and practically threw Layne off of him. Good thing he wasn’t an alpha.
She found it hilarious, standing naked and proud just laughing hysterically.
“Well, do I get a rating?” she demanded as she pulled on her clothes and Crew threw the condom in the incinerator.
“The fire gave it more ambiance, I’d say that’s at least an extra few points,” Hiro supplied as he averted his eyes.
“I’d rate you a solid eight, nice rack,” I teased. She bowed, giving us one last view of her boobs before covering them.
“Why are you guys down here?” Crew demanded. He sounded angry, but I assumed it was more out of embarrassment than anything.
“That would take a really fucking long time to explain. You guys know a way out of here?” Drake asked instead. He was already heading for the opposite door. “Though you may want to put your fire out, pyro.”
Crew cursed and threw water on the fire before following us to the door. Just as Drake started to pull it open, a loud explosion shook the building.
A jolt of electricity charged the air, and something strange settled in my chest.
I could feel something, or someone, rather. They were searching for me. I don’t know how I knew it but I did. It was a connection similar to mine with Monty.
“What the fuck was that?!” Layne called out.
“Whatever Hel had planned . . . it’s begun.”
Tuesday Afternoon
The Halls of Dark Haven