Page 13 of Unicorn Moon
“Yeah, reading the way magic flows through you.” She steps closer and rests her fingertip on my chest, basically right over my heart. “A person’s ability with magic comes from inside. That’s still there like it should be, if a bit weak for you.”
I sigh out my nostrils. “Right…”
“But there is also a lot of magic built up on you on the outside, too.” She scratches at my shirt, causing small sparks to jump between the fabric and her fingernail. “Something external is empowering you. I’m curious what.”
I sigh, as understanding dawns on me. “I have an idea what it might be. You might as well see for yourself, or you won’t believe me.”
“Why wouldn’t I believe you?” Allison tilts her head.
“Trust me. This is one of those things you have to see.” I take her hand.
Once more into the dancing flame we leap.
“Holy crap!” blurts Allison, gawking, when we appear in my backyard.
The unicorn lowers her head and shuffle-steps to the side, almost seeming embarrassed. I can’t help but think of this in terms of a humble celebrity encountering a devoted fan. Allison squeals. In some ways, she’s a more reserved version of Pax. She likes cute stuff. Probably liked unicorns as a kid. Guarantee Allison has watched The Last Unicorn at some point in her childhood. Tammy and I are outside the norm, apparently.
“Is that a real unicorn?” whispers Allison.
“Yes!” chirps Paxton.
Allison darts forward, stopping a few paces from the creature without touching her. “She’s so beautiful. I’ve never had the good fortune to see one before. How did you find her? There hasn’t been a credible sighting in… over a thousand years.” Allison pauses and dips down to look under the horned wonder. “And it is a she, right?”
I can’t help but chuckle. “Yep. So, is she empowering the magic or not?”
“One way to tell.”
Allison stands straight again, then gazes up into the sky. A moment later, the clear, sunny day turns instantly into a monsoon. From bright sun to rain so fierce I can’t even see my house. Yeah, that’s not normal at all.
“Yep. She is definitely empowering magic.” Allison nods matter-of-factly.
“Why did you summon the queen of all storms?” I ask, sluicing water from my forehead.
“Because I wanted to test with something that could be explained as natural… if weird.”
“Yeah, but you’re going to flood us out.”
“Oops, sorry.” Allison nibbles on her lower lip while staring at the clouds. In another rapid shift, the clear blue sky returns. The only sign anything happened is the ground being soaked. “There. Back to normal.”
“How big was the storm?”
Allison fidgets. “If I had to guess, I’m going to say they probably got wet in Canada.”
No words. All I can do is stare at her.
“That’s going to get noticed.” Tammy whistles. “A flash monsoon up the entire West Coast?”
“Probably at least into Nebraska, too.” My witchy friend flashes a cheesy smile.
I facepalm.
“Relax.” Allison pats me on the arm. “It lasted less than a minute. No one’s going to care that much.”
“You just gave those HAARP conspiracy wingnuts ammo for another ten years of internet conspiracies.” I chuckle.
She laughs.