Page 18 of Unicorn Moon
This has faerie prank all over it. Though, I can’t at all think of what on Earth any one of us might have done in order to anger Queen Maple this much. Maybe she’s not angry. This seems more... whimsical. Angry faerie pranks usually cause extreme embarrassment—like stealing all the clothing out of a house and leaving it way up high in nearby trees. That sort of thing doesn’t really happen anymore, at least not in cities. Maybe it occurs out in the countryside of Wales or some such thing, places that are still more or less the same as they were a thousand years ago.
Yeah. My freaking house is full of green stuff.
I close my eyes and summon the dancing flame, thinking about my living room… except, the opening in the fire reveals that the living room, too, is full of vegetation. Dammit. Not sure how teleporting into a room of dense vegetation is going to work. I back off and reopen my eyes. Time to do things the hard way.
Thankfully, supernatural strength coupled with a relatively slim body comes in handy.
It’s not the most comfortable process, but I manage to drag myself out of bed and, well—I suppose ‘swim’ is the best word here—out to the hallway. It, too, is full of flowers and stuff. Without a machete, my only option is pushing foliage out of my way and squeezing myself along.
First stop, Anthony’s room, since it’s closest to mine. I peek in the door. Flowers, vines, berries, and leaves everywhere. No sign of him.
“Ant?” I call out.
He doesn’t reply. I also don’t hear snoring, breathing, or any signs of life. I close my eyes and push my consciousness forward, a trick I’d learned years ago to see through walls, rocks, you name it. In this case, shrubbery. Tammy calls it my ‘all-seeing eye.’ Works for me. Though I’m still standing in the doorway, my mind pushes through the dense plants... all the way to his empty bed. Anthony’s not in here.
I snap back to my body. I don’t use this ability enough to be particularly proficient at it, and so I wobble briefly in the doorway.
Once I find my equilibrium, I fight my way deeper into the hall until I can grab the doorjamb to Tammy’s bedroom and pull myself in through a mass of ivy-like leaves. Her room is even worse than mine. So many plants have stuffed themselves in here it makes me worry the walls are going to crack.
“Tammy?” I call out.
I listen for a moment to nothing. Sounds like she’s not in here. I don’t bother with all-seeing eye thing again. Don’t like the brief dizzy feeling.
Something wet touches my toe.
By some miracle, I resist the urge to jump and scream. Hey, I might be immortal but I can still be startled by random icky feelings.
Gasping, I look down. A black mouse appears to be licking my big toe. Oh, gross.
It peers up at me and chirps, “Oops.”
What the… Oh. Duh. That must be Tammy.
The mouse stands up on her hind legs and waves her forepaws at me, like a toddler wanting to be picked up. She doesn’t have to ‘ask’ me twice.
I reach down, pick her up, and bring her close to my face. She’s so damn cute. “What the heck’s going on, Tam Tam?”
“Had to shrink myself to get out of there,” squeaks Tammy-the-mouse.
“Okay, but where did all this come from?”
The mouse somehow conveys a cheesy smile while kneading her paws together. “My fault.”
“You did this?” I blink. “Can you undo it?”
“Umm. Maybe.”
I furrow my brows. “Why did you lick my toe?”
“To get your attention. Either that or bite you.” She makes a ‘bleh’ sound. “Trust me, it was not enjoyable for me, either.”
“Fair enough. Thank you for not biting me.” I chuckle. “So, why did you fill the house with a jungle?”
The mouse hangs her head. “I only wanted to make one flower… it kind of exploded. Magic is getting weird.”