Page 43 of Blood Princess
She grunted again. “You got her then. You sent the demands?”
Cassandra had helped us with the kidnapping and added the extra barrier to the cave. She was the only other creature in the woods who knew of our plans. She may be sly, but she kept her promises, and we could trust her not to spread the word about the princess.
“Nothing back yet. But we still have five days until the ascension. There’s time.” Though I hoped the king and the Grandmothers didn’t respond, and that my little Red would choose to stay with us instead.
“And I have news,” I said, a hard beat of my heart bringing up my grief once again. We had sent messages to other packs about Ros, Nero and Suwa.
“Aye, I heard. Those fucking vampires. I'm not gonna say sorry, but I'll say they'll get what's coming.”
A silence rose between us, a rare moment of respect from her for our fallen comrades.
Cassandra broke it as she reached inside her ratty coat. I assumed she was searching for the honey. Instead, she pulled out a squeaking brown mouse by the tail, writhing in terror, and threw it up over her shoulder. Her snake darted out and grabbed the poor thing, crunching it in half before sliding back into her hair to finish its meal.
“So, what d’ya need the honey for if you’ve got the girl?”
“This is just for my own amusement.” I hummed. “We’ve already taken her virginity. I simply want to have fun before we return her.”
Which was as far from the truth I could make it without Cassandra sensing my lie.
I didn’t want to speak of Red this way. She was a jewel to be treasured, and to be used for our pleasure. I couldn’t think of returning her to her rightful place when I had already been so deep inside her that my life would never be the same. We were mated, and I wasn’t letting her go.
She just needed one more push to bond with Fil, but Valko was still rejecting her. The honey would help sway Valko to open himself to her. Even though she’d mated with me already, I wasn’t doing this without them. No matter how much I wanted to keep her for myself, my wolf knew better.
Cassandra grinned, showing her black rotten teeth, the putrid smell of her breath potent. “Still haven’t broken ’er yet, then? I thought you were better than that?”
She reached into her coat again, dipping lower to her hip, removing a small jar with the yellow potion inside. She glared at the jar with a gleaming eye before tossing it to me. I caught it between my palms, still warm from the recesses of her coat and whatever else lived in there.
“’Ere. Spread it all over. Cunt, mouth, tits, arse, anywhere you want to fuck. She’ll be crying by the time yer finished. Not that you need it. Those blood bitches. Whores the lot of them. Especially that mother of hers.” She spat on the ground again. “All that talk about joining the realms, getting rid of the Indigo bastard, and what did we get for it? Fucking our Alpha King and abandoning her kingdom,” she snarled. “And now that youngest is engaged to a siren! A siren, of all things! Not even a consort. How dare Cordovan-”
“And that’s why we’re here,” I cut in smoothly. I had learnt the hard way that if I didn’t stop Cassandra’s rants early on, she could keep me trapped for hours.
I slipped the jar into my jacket pocket and removed the bag of gold. She charged high prices, but her spells and potions were always of the best quality.
I hated to admit it, but all of Valko’s obsessive carving did come in use when we needed more money. His bowls and spoons always sold well at the markets.
Her snake returned to her shoulder, its ribbed tail curling around her throat like a macabre necklace.
I offered her a deep bow. Rising, I reached for her hand to kiss it, but she swatted me away. “None of that, boy. You’re learning bad habits from that vampire.”
I couldn’t help but grin. There were so many things I wanted to learn from her, and bad habits were definitely one of them.
A murder of crows shot up from the trees as Cassandra grunted at me, turning and disappearing into the mist, the echoes of the birds’ cries circling around her.
I gave a final wave to my favourite witch, a sly smile etched on my face.
Red could deny this all she wanted, but as soon as the honey worked its magic, there would be no stopping us.
Now all I had to do was convince Valko to surrender to our fate.
Iclenched around Fillian as he held me up and drove himself into me from below. I did not think my pussy could take any more. They had already fucked me for an hour, but the special ’honey’ that Valko had spread over my body forced me into desperation.
All I wanted was them, every part of them inside every part of me. My bond with Lucien grew stronger every day, but I was missing Fillian and Valko.
I could not surrender. If I connected to them too, I would lose. But I was already close to giving up everything I had fought so hard for simply to be with them.