Page 8 of Blood Princess
“Interesting. So one could die in your little cave?” she said, tilting her head.
“If they so wished.” My voice was heavy, weighed with caution, expecting her next question.
“Then why not simply kill me and finish this?”
I paused, the idea of her death sitting heavily in my stomach. “We have other plans for you.”
Despite the blindfold, I was certain she was staring up at me. A beat passed before she replied.
“Well, wolf? Will you not share?”
I did not know which was worse. Telling her our plans and letting her stew, or feeding her ignorance, only to be forced suddenly into her worst nightmare.
No matter how my wolf protested, growling and snapping from within me, demanding we treat our mate with love and respect, she did not deserve it. Her kind were the reason I was made to witness our people die over and over again. As soon as they ran, the warlocks of Cordovan found them. Each death fuelled our need for revenge.
I folded my arms. “You need two things to ascend, am I right? We shall take them both from you.”
The smile fell from her lips, her skin paling, if that was even possible. She hissed, drawing back from me, lifting her head, pressing herself into the wall. Her shoulders grew taunt as she tried to move her arms, trapped against her back. I revelled in the jump of her heart, finally showing a sliver of weakness.
“And then?” Her voice reduced to a whisper. Her breaths stuttered, stronger and louder as the reality of what we would do sank in.
She needed the Empusa moon and her purity, and by the time we were done with her, she would have neither.
It was my turn to smirk, watching her head dip, as if plans of escape were forming.
It would be of no use. I had removed everything from her apart from the scraps of her uniform when I tied her up - though the silver trinkets wrapped around her wrists and neck and tucked into her pockets burnt my skin in the process. The spies in the palace who told us of the requirements for her ceremony also learned that the princess and her guards would have extra protection from wolves. It was easy to find with a simple search.
She kept silent. It was clear I had won. Once her head, arm and leg healed, we would strip away any hope she had of ascending as the Scarlet Queen.
I heard the quiver of her breath, saw the slight shake of her arms as her chin rose. I had no doubt she would be glaring at me had I given her the freedom to see.
The chains clinked as she moved. “There are better ways to punish my father than this,” she said darkly. All humour vanished from her as she finally understood the seriousness of her situation.
We were not merely kidnappers out for gold. Our plan was to eradicate the existence of the Cardinal line completely.
“None that we haven’t tried already,”I replied.
That got her attention. Her body stilled just enough for me to notice.
With the assistance of a witch, the packs of the Black Forest had sent human spies to the court, killed her father’s councilmen, ransacked carts carrying food and sacrifices to the Carnelian Palace, but there had been no movement from the king. Apart from feasting upon the humans the witch had spelled into helping us.
This was our best chance to force him to revoke the order that all wolves must be hunted and destroyed.
“He will not answer your demands,” she stressed. “No matter how far you go in your attempt to spoil me.”
I enjoyed watching her anger building, hearing the frustration in her voice.
“Be aware my father’s hate for wolves is greater than his love for me.”
“I doubt that,” I replied.
Every nation knew how he held banquets each month in her honour, bringing humans from every corner of the continent to sacrifice for her. The blood rituals and grand ceremonies, the obscene wealth poured on her. Her people suffered, starving in their villages while she lived in luxury.
“Then wait and see.” Her back straightened, her mouth tight, extending the sweet curve of her throat. Though blindfolded, I still felt the weight of her stare. “You will not triumph here. Ruining my ascension will only bring more suffering.”
“Maybe for you,” I growled, not believing a single word of her lies.
“For everyone!” she snarled, leaping forward, the chains bracing against the wall behind her back. “You do not understand what my father is doing!”