Page 120 of Face Your Demon
Maybe time had already run out for her.
He spun the car into his horseshoe drive and eased up on the gas. She’d called his place “home.” Did she even realize that? Did it matter to her? It sure as shit mattered to him.
His headlights flashed across the front of the house and illuminated the body on the porch.
What the fuck?
Zane slammed on the brakes.
Jana hadn’t seen the man. He killed the lights. “Stay here,” he growled, already jerking free of his seat belt and shoving open the car door.
“Wait!” The buckle clicked as she unhooked her belt. “What’s happening?”
“Stay. Here.” He wasn’t about to risk her.
The smell of blood hit him. The thick, coppery scent hung in the air. Strong and fresh.
His gaze raked the yard. He didn’t see anyone else, but that didn’t mean someone wasn’t there, watching him.
Zane crept up the front steps, his eyes on the body. Worn boots, old, faded jeans, a too big, bloody blue shirt. When he saw the vic’s face, the breath expelled from Zane’s lungs in a rush.
He knew that face. Knew that dirty blond hair and those pale, haggard features. He’d seen the man just days before—when the wolf shifter had fled the fire.
Now, Marcus Malone lay on Zane’s porch, his right arm stretched toward the door like he was trying to get help. The poor bastard’s throat had been ripped wide open. Ear to ear.
Zane’s eyes closed. This man hadn’t been the killer.
The car door groaned behind him. “Zane?”
He didn’t want her to see this. She’d tried to save the wolf.
“What’s happening?”
His enhanced vision showed him every detail of the scene. No defensive wounds on the shifter’s body. And his clothes weren’t torn. The poor bastard hadn’t even been given a chance to shift. The killer had come on him too quickly.
And how the hell did someone sneak up on a wolf shifter?
His head snapped up. The same way a killer can—will—sneak up on a demon. When you were dealing with supernaturals, all bets were off.
His gaze flew back to his vehicle. Jana stood half in, half out of the car.
He jumped off the porch and rushed to her side. “We’ve got a big damn problem.” He pushed her inside and slammed the door. His eyes searched the night. Can’t see anyone. Can’t hear anyone.
But Marcus hadn’t gotten much warning, either.
He hurried back to the driver’s side. He’d have to call Pak and Tony. A cleanup crew was needed ASAP. They had to get the body out of there before dawn. Before any neighbors could see what had happened. And Night Watch had to figure out—fucking fast—what they were dealing with here.
Perseus? Was the group still active? How? The agents were locked up, courtesy of Chief Daniels. Their leader was dead.
He spun out of the drive.