Page 124 of Face Your Demon
“I’m not the one who went crazy.” And it stung, dammit, hurt, that he was telling her to back off. Crazy witch woman was the one who needed to be controlled.
We have a friend of yours.
Oh, right, but he cared about the witch. While she, hell, what was she to him? Did she matter at all?
Zane turned his head and focused on Catalina. “What the hell are you doing?”
Jana pulled her hand away from his.
Tears trickled down Catalina’s cheeks. Oh, great, tears. Now Zane would probably crumble because the witch was pretty and crying and?—
“Why the hell did you attack her, Cat?” Zane demanded.
“Because she was the last person to see Laura alive! I know she was!”
Okay. Catalina was right about that. Now all the eyes were back on Jana. She cleared her throat.
“Why is this Laura important?” Zane wanted to know.
Catalina pointed toward the body on the gurney. A body Jana had been trying to ignore. “She’s important because her sister is the one who had her throat torn out last night. Laura is psychic. She was working with Perseus. I saw her there.”
“She was there the night the flames went wild.” Jana tried to keep her voice emotionless. She licked her lips and met Zane’s stare. “She didn’t survive the fire.” Flat words. Quiet.
But she’d never forget the sight of Laura dying. A touch. The woman had touched her, stolen her fire, then transferred it to Beth. All with a touch.
But Laura hadn’t understood the flames. The fire had been too much for her, and by the time she’d tried to give the power to Beth—the fire had consumed Laura. She’d burned, from the inside out, even as Beth screamed and ordered that Laura touch her and transfer the power.
Before she’d died, Laura had managed to transfer some of that power. And even that bit had proven too much for Beth in the end.
Catalina’s shoulders sagged. “Lindsey must have known about Perseus.”
“That’s why she canceled the missing person’s search.” Tony slowly shook his head.
Missing person’s search?
“She knew where her sister was,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. “Laura must’ve called her.”
“She told her sister too much about Perseus.” Catalina’s voice held a hint of sadness. “So much that someone thought Lindsey had to die.”
Now there were two dead in the city—Lindsey and Marcus.
Erin cleared her throat. “Um, sorry if I seem dense here, but I thought you guys had taken down Perseus? Isn’t the group dead?”
Catalina shook her head. “Someone is still alive. Someone with a lot of power.”
Someone who wasn’t afraid to kill.
“We’re all on the list. Everyone who was there while the place burned.” Catalina’s eyes darted to Tony, Jude, then Zane.
“Fuck the list,” Jude said instantly.
Catalina looked at Jana. “Bet you’re at the top of the list, Ignitor.”
Jana forced a reckless smile. “Bring it.”
“Still so brave?” Catalina asked, narrowing her eyes. “Even after what happened to you?”
Oh, shit, she knew. Jana kept her chin up. “What do you want me to do? Run away into the shadows? Hide while someone else dies?” Who did the witch think she was talking to? “I’m not going anywhere. If some asshole is out there hunting survivors, I’ll be ready to face him.” With or without her power.