Page 134 of Face Your Demon
He lowered Zane to the floor. Jana slid down to his side.
“I’m not leaving you in here with him.” Jude’s eyes were too bright, glittering. I can see the beast he carries so clearly now.
“You are.” Her words sounded confident, almost cocky. With those shifter senses, though, she bet the guy could hear how fast her heart was racing. Could he even smell her fear? “Lock us in. Then go find the witch. She can break the cuffs.” Not that Jana planned to leave him, even then.
Jude eyed the door, and then looked back at her. “No damn way that lock will hold him. Zane is strong. He’ll blast right through it.”
Her fingers intertwined with his. Still out. “Then send Tony after the witch. You stand guard on the other side of the door. But you don’t come at him, you hear me? Not unless—” Jana stopped.
Unless, what? Unless Zane broke out and attacked Jude? Like he’d done just minutes before.
“I don’t want to hurt him,” Jude said. Might as well be her own thoughts.
“And I don’t want him to hurt you.” She didn’t want Zane to attack anyone, especially not his friends. Stronger than I’d thought. And, yes, it sure seemed like her demon had a very dark side. No wonder he kept that side leashed.
“Your fire,” Jude began.
“It’s no good.” Like she’d ever use the flames on Zane. The bastard might have pissed her off before because he didn’t know how to trust, but he was still Zane.
And his eyelids began to flutter. If he saw the shifter, he’d go into instant attack mode. “Get out!”
“I can’t leave you alone with him!”
She laughed and made her voice drip ice as she mocked, “Do you really think I need protecting?”
But he didn’t take the bait. His lips tightened. “Yeah, I do.”
Almost sweet. But they didn’t have time for sweet. “If he sees you, he’ll try to rip you apart.” Her heart slammed into her ribs. “I’ll keep him calm, I’ll—” A groan broke from Zane’s lips. “Just go!”
Jude eased back a step. One. Another. “I’ll be on the other side of that door.” Making sure no one entered—no one who could get hurt, she knew. And making sure, also, that Zane wouldn’t get out. “But I’ll be able to hear everything. If he attacks you, I’m coming in.”
She nodded, the movement jerky and hard. Fair enough. If Zane started psychically tossing her around the room—like he’d tossed the others outside—she’d want the shifter’s backup.
But Zane wasn’t going to hurt her. I trust you, even if you can’t trust me.
Jude hurried out and shut the door. The bolt slammed into place with a clang.
Jana crawled on top of Zane and straddled him. What drug had Kelly given him? Something her brother had made. Hell, that could be anything! In those few days that Brent had held her in his lab, she’d learned he’d liked to play God, stirring and mixing and creating torments for his “experiments.”
The last time Zane had been hit with a drug, he’d wanted her. Sex and fury could be a potent combination. Sex and fury. He’d pulled back. The man had fought the demon’s hold. Because of his hybrid blood? Had he been able to fight the drug because his body chemistry was so different? Or had he just been strong enough, because, hell, he was strong?
No more time to think—his eyelids flashed open. Pitch-black eyes stared up at her. He bucked beneath her and nearly sent her right onto the floor.
“It’s okay!” She leaned down close. “Everything’s fine.” Liar, liar. She sealed her mouth to his.
His tongue thrust past her lips, and his hand clamped over her hip. His erection rose, long and thick, against her.
Zane. She called his name in her mind and wondered if he would hear her on the link they’d used before. Would the drug amp up his psychic power? Would it let him in her mind?
An image flashed in her head. Her. Him. On this same dirty floor. She was on top of him, and he was thrusting his thick cock into her.
She gasped into his mouth right at the moment she felt his hand yank open the snap of her jeans.
“Jana!” Jude’s bellow.
Her head shot up. Zane stared at her, nostrils flaring, cheeks flushed. “It’s okay!” she yelled back. “I’m fine!”
But Zane was growling. His hands were on her jeans. Shoving them down and the damn cuffs were in the way and?—