Page 137 of Face Your Demon
“One spell is all I need, Cat. One spell, then you—and your vampire—can get out of town.”
She licked her lips. “You’ll let him go?”
Dee held her gaze. “Unless he goes after humans, he’s off my radar.”
But he’d gone after the Ignitor. He’d been desperate, starving. Did Dee know what he’d done? Catalina would need to keep Logan away from Zane so the demon wouldn’t come for his revenge.
Only a matter of time.
Catalina forced herself to nod. “Okay.” It was the only deal she’d be getting. Better take it, grab it with both hands, and hold as tightly as she could. “I don’t have much power.” Painful to admit, but her binding marks weren’t fading yet. And why not? They should have vanished when Beth died. Beth had been the one in charge at Perseus. The one to trap her and to use her. Why haven’t they faded?
“It’ll have to be enough.” Dee pushed her toward a car idling near the curb. Catalina sucked in a breath when she saw the driver. Simon. Dee’s vampire lover.
The two were a perfect killing team.
“Who needs my spell?” she asked, suddenly very worried as she climbed inside the vehicle.
Dee jumped in behind her and the car door slammed. “Zane.”
The last thing she’d expected. “Zane? Why?”
Simon floored the gas.
“Because someone pumped the poor bastard full of drugs.” Dee sighed. “And we both know what can happen to him when the drugs get into his system.”
Goose bumps rose on Catalina’s arms. Yes, she knew. And, once, long ago, she’d seen. Scrying. He’d always asked her not to do it. But the future teased and taunted, and she’d had to know.
Zane…eyes black as the night. Face bloody. The earth bucking beneath him. Death. A shroud he carried. One look, one touch, and the prey fell before him.
“Hurry,” she urged Simon and, when he looked up into the rearview mirror, she saw his jaw clench. “Hurry.”
* * *
Jana’s breath caught as she stared up at Zane. His face could have been carved from fire and fury. Such hard, fierce lines. And his hand, as it wrapped around her neck?—
“I…hurt…you.” Gravel-rough. Like the man inside the demon was struggling to speak. Maybe he was.
She realized his fingers were feathering over the bite mark on her neck. He was worried about that? Jana couldn’t help it. She laughed. A quick, light gurgle of sound.
He blinked at her.
“Zane, trust me, you’ve got worse marks on you.” Because she hadn’t been gentle at the end. Her nails had dug into him and held tight.
“Maybe.” She curled her fingers around the steely muscles of his arms. “But you know I don’t ever do what I should do.”
The bees began to buzz in the back of her mind. “Go…”
She glanced down at the cuffs. “Can’t, remember?”
His gaze followed hers. Those bees got louder. Louder.
The cuffs broke apart. “Go.”
Those all-powerful, unbreakable cuffs fell to the floor.
He pushed against her, his cock still thick and swollen, and the move seemed almost helpless.