Page 139 of Face Your Demon
There was no way to get out. The flames were too strong. The exits were blocked. The windows covered by the flames. How? How had the blaze gotten so strong? Not a normal fire. No way. This one was definitely supernatural.
Zane shoved his hands forward, as if he were pushing against something. The flames rolled back, rolled, then sputtered, dying low before the windows. The tiger crouched, then leapt forward, easily breaking through the glass.
Jana ran after him, only to be pulled back by Zane. “Wait, what are you doing?”
He picked her up, tucked her head against his chest, and flew through the window. The glass had to cut him, but Zane didn’t even grunt, and he landed on his feet—on his feet. His knees barely buckled as they touched down outside. Then he was running away from the burning building with her held tight in his arms.
Her hands dug into him. “Zane, is anyone else inside?”
He froze.
Humans worked there. Sure, it was nearing three a.m., but someone should have been inside. Guards. Attendants. Someone.
And that fire was burning so hot now.
He put her on her feet. Spun back around. The tiger was pacing, growling.
“Where’s Tony?” she asked, coughing a bit to clear her lungs as she looked to the left, then the right. The parking lot was deserted. “And the agent, where is she?”
Were they in the building?
Zane sprinted forward. The tiger attacked. Its paws slammed into Zane’s chest, and he knocked Zane back.
Snarling, Zane leapt forward, his eyes on the building. Once more, that tiger came at him, swiping this time with his claws. A long, hard swipe that drew blood across Zane’s chest.
A hot wind blew against her face. The bees were getting loud again.
“No!” She grabbed Zane. “He’s a shifter. He’d smell people if they were inside.” But Jude was doing everything he could to keep Zane out of that building. Because no one was inside? Because if Zane went back in, he wouldn’t be coming out?
Zane shook her off and lunged forward once more. He caught the tiger’s front paws, holding them tight, and didn’t even flinch under the cat’s great weight.
“What the hell?” A woman’s startled cry. “Zane, Jude, get away from there!”
Because they had gotten too close to the flames. The flames that had shot even higher. Even brighter.
In the distance, a siren began to wail. Hell.
The woman rushed toward Zane and Jude. Wait, was she crazy? Was she really going to try and get between a demon and a tiger? The lady was small. Freaking tiny, with really bad hair. Blond, but cut oh-so-badly. And she was cursing. Swearing constantly under her breath.
A man bellowed, “Dee!” But that call came too late.
“Dee” had already gotten to the two fighters. She punched the tiger in the side. Hard.
He roared and turned toward her.
“Don’t even think of biting me,” she yelled at him, snapping her teeth together. Her incredibly sharp teeth. “I’ll bite back.” Vampire.
So was the dark, dangerous man who ran after her. Jana caught sight of his fangs glinting in the dark.
No, not more vampires. Jeez. She’d had enough of them, thanks.
Jana’s hand rose to her neck, and her fingers pressed lightly against the still tender skin. A shiver skated over her body. Her heart already raced too fast, and the desperate beat began to shake her chest.
Vampires. Near Zane. Closing in.
Her hands clenched into fists.
“Take care of him!” Dee ordered her vamp friend. The male grabbed Zane’s arms and held them behind the demon’s back.