Page 148 of Face Your Demon
“But now they need us.”
Yeah, she could see that. “Then let’s get the hell in there.”
* * *
Zane raced after the second snake of fire, even knowing that he was too late. The den fell around him. The beaten walls couldn’t hold up against the flames again.
“Zane!” Dee’s desperate voice called through the fire and the smoke.
“Get out!” Vamps had a tendency to burn way too fast, and he didn’t want Dee burning because she was trying to save him. “Go!”
Everything was falling around him. He lunged forward, no longer even feeling the blazing bite of the fire on his flesh. The door had burned, and he rushed inside. Zane flew down a corridor, following the flames and?—
Tony’s desperate eyes met his. The cop had a gag in his mouth, and he was handcuffed to a chair—and flames were eating at his legs.
Zane leapt across the room and knocked Tony back. They hit the floor, hard, and he started slapping at Tony’s legs. But those flames just flared brighter.
They homed in on Kelly. They’re fucking doing the same with him. Zane had to get Tony out of there. He grabbed the cuffs, jerked, and they broke apart.
Tony started slapping at the flames.
“Run,” Zane shouted.
Tony coughed. Choked. “Wh-where?”
Because there was no way out. The flames had circled them. The flames had trapped them.
Fuck this.
Zane blew out the back wall. He hoisted Tony over his shoulder and hauled ass, running right for the streams of sunlight he could see flickering through the smoke.
He escaped that hell. Hit the cement outside. Zane glanced back. The flames were higher, surging and twisting, but not coming past the edge of Dusk.
Maybe there were some fucking limits to Davey’s power after all.
Tony coughed and heaved against him. Zane lowered him carefully.
“You got him!” Dee ran up to him, her face stained by soot. Simon was at her back. Sweat slid down his face. “I knew you would!”
He hadn’t been so sure.
Tony was crouched on the ground now, almost hacking his lungs up.
“Those demons are burning in there.” Simon’s voice was cold, hollow. “They were pumped up so high that they ran toward the flames, not from them.”
The roof collapsed on Dusk. Far, far away—sirens called out. The human cavalry. Coming, at long last.
He clapped his hand on Tony’s shoulder. “You’re gonna be okay.”
Tony turned toward him. His eyes were stained red, and the skin on his hands was blistering. He wouldn’t be healing so easily from those wounds. No, as a human, he’d carry the scars. “F-fucking k-kid.”
Zane tensed. He could see the claw marks on Tony’s neck now. Not deep enough to kill. Just deep enough for Davey to play.
“D-demon’s eyes…sh-shifter’s…claws.”
Dee hurried to Tony’s side. “Easy.” She pushed him back onto the ground. Her hands were so gentle on him. She brushed back his hair. “Just take it easy.” There were tears swimming in her eyes because she’d seen the full damage to Tony’s legs. “Simon, get an ambulance!”
Simon took off running.