Page 153 of Face Your Demon
Run then, baby. He hit their mental link easily. Touched her mind and felt her fear and her worry. I’ll find you.
Because he’d meant what he’d told her before—and he wasn’t about to just let her disappear forever.
* * *
Coward. Jana put a hand to her throat and felt the wet warmth of her blood. Damn that demon, he’d slashed her good and deep.
The cops were there now, demanding to know what was going on. Wanting to know what had happened to the killer.
She sucked in a deep breath and could still taste the flames. He felt the fire.
Her fire, and Zane’s.
She stumbled away. She’d have to get to a hospital. She’d need stitches and explaining the wounds would be a bitch. She needed the hospital and she needed Zane.
Don’t leave me.
Zane’s voice seemed to echo in her mind. She froze. For an instant, she could feel him. His strong arms around her, his breath on her face. Zane.
A tear leaked down her cheek. She forced herself to keep going. One step. Another. So many cops. She’d have to watch herself.
Run then, baby. Again, his voice seemed to drift right through her. I’ll find you.
Such a dark promise. But what would happen when he found her? They weren’t going to get a happily ever after. That wasn’t what waited for her. The fire was back. Whatever Laura had done to her, it hadn’t been a permanent deal. Thank God.
She was back.
She slunk deeper into the shadows, aware that her blood was dripping onto the ground. She’d spent so much time hiding in the shadows. Hiding and running. And now she was running away from the one man who’d actually looked at her and said…I love you.
“What the hell am I doing?” she whispered. Fear. She tried to pretend that she was never afraid, but at the first sign of those boys in blue, she’d turned tail and left Zane.
No, they might not have a happy ending, but maybe it was time she started facing up to her past. And to her choices.
She broke from the shadows and immediately saw a female cop with a curly mass of brown hair. The cop’s eyes widened when she got a good look at Jana.
“Miss! Miss, are you okay?”
What the hell? Did it look like she was okay? “Get me…to a hospital.” Okay, so she was a selfish bitch. She needed treatment, but she did manage to say, “And by the way…”
Surprisingly strong arms closed around her.
Jana licked her lips. “I killed a man tonight.”
The cop’s eyes flashed demon black. “No, honey, what you did was put down a rabid dog.” Those black eyes burned down at her.
They were the last sight Jana saw.
* * *
He’d answered a million questions, and he was done. “Handle it,” Zane ordered Jude and turned away. The scent of Jana’s blood was driving him crazy. She shouldn’t have left when she was hurt. She should have let him take care of her.
He rushed down the alley, following that scent. The farther he went, the more blood he smelled. A fist squeezed his gut. How badly had she been hurt? Jana?
No answer. He couldn’t feel her at all anymore.
Fear whispered through him.
“She’s gone.”