Page 28 of Face Your Demon
They stopped for gas at some rundown station. The bike vibrated beneath her legs and exhaust drifted around them until Zane killed the engine.
He was driving this time. The big, bad demon in control.
Jana heard a gasp when she got off the motorcycle, and she turned her head to see an older lady with stone-gray hair and narrowed eyes staring at her. No, not at her exactly, but rather at the cuffs.
Fabulous. Between the cuffs and her gaping shirt, Jana knew she was the image of wholesomeness. Oh, well. She flashed the lady a smile. “He’s a little kinky.” So am I.
Zane swore.
The lady’s jaw dropped. Then she slammed her door and drove away with a squeal of tires.
Her smile spread a bit. A growl reached her ears. She glanced at Zane and found him frowning at her. “What?”
He jerked the gas nozzle out of the tank and shoved it back into place on the pump.
“Come on.” She sidled closer and ignored the stench of gasoline. She always had to be careful at places like this. One wrong thought…boom! “Are you trying to say that you don’t have a kinky side? Because I’m not buying that.” She put her hand on his chest. Let her fingers rest just over his heart. A nice, fast beat. “I saw you last night, remember? I know just how wild and rough you are inside. You wanted sex, fast and hot.”
His nostrils flared and his heartbeat kicked up even more. Interesting.
She tipped her head back. “Have you had a few fantasies? While we were on the road, and I was wrapped around you? While we’re chained together, have you thought about?—”
“What kind of game are you playing?” he demanded and she heard the arousal in his voice. She could see it in the taut lines of his face. If she looked down—she’d peeked when they’d hopped off the bike—she knew he’d still be hard for her.
What kind of game was she playing? The only kind she liked. The dangerous kind. But she was running out of options.
“Get on the bike, Jana.”
She didn’t move. “You know…” She let her lashes lower, veiling her eyes, and she dropped her hand. “I could burn this whole place in about two seconds.”
He wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her up. No strain there. Such a strong demon. Zane had already healed from the injuries he’d gotten in the wreck and from the tranq shots.
He eased her onto the motorcycle and kept his left hand around her a bit too long. “You could, but you won’t.”
She blinked. “And how do you know that?”
“Because you scoped the place when we pulled up. You saw the two kids pumping up the tires on their bikes, and the old man behind the register inside.” He paused. “You saw them, and I saw your face.”
Dammit. He’d seen too much.
“You’re not blowing anything up here.” He eased in front of her and started the cycle quickly. He knew how to hotwire, too. Figured.
The cycle roared. “Hold tight,” he ordered, like she had much of a choice. “Just another twenty minutes and we’ll be back in the city.”
Yeah, they’d had to drive for a while because she’d hauled butt and gotten them as far away as she could last night. Only to be dragged back now.
She closed her eyes, waiting for him to shoot the motorcycle forward.
Nothing happened.
Jana opened one eye and found Zane gazing at her over his shoulder. “What?”
His brows were low. “If you were really a cold-hearted killer, it wouldn’t matter about the kids.”
Just figuring that out? Give the man a cookie. “I’m saving all my fire for you, lover.”
He laughed. Flashed her those too-white teeth and laughed.
Then the motorcycle surged forward.