Page 38 of Face Your Demon
Aw, hell. Not what he needed right then. His gaze flew to the left. Jude was already edging back, and Captain Antonio “Tony” Young was shoving his way through the crowd to get to them. The guy’s badge gleamed on his hip, and the butt of his gun poked from the holster on his side.
“Zane?” A thread of worry whispered in Jana’s voice. “A cop?”
Their last encounter with a cop hadn’t gone so well. But this time would be different. He realized he still had a hard grip on her hand. Zane forced himself to let her go. “It’s okay, baby. He’s on our side.”
Then Tony was there. His glittering eyes swept over the group and lingered on Jana. “Ms. Carter?”
She nodded. The red still lingered in her gaze. Her eyes appeared bloodshot now.
“Jana Carter, you’re under arrest.” Tony reached for her hand and hauled Jana to her feet.
“No, man, wait!” The Other-proof handcuff glinted between their outstretched hands.
But Tony shook his head. “You know she’s going in.” He jerked his thumb back at the burning building. “Seriously, what the hell were you thinking?”
Jana laughed. A hollow, mocking sound. “Guess he’s not on our side.” Her chin tilted up, just a bit. “Maybe he’s just on yours, hmm, demon? Use me, then throw me to the wolves.”
No, that wasn’t?—
Tony started reading Jana her rights.
Chapter Six
The door to interrogation room three closed with a soft click. Jana took a deep breath. Not like this was the first time she had found herself in one of these tiny rooms, sitting at an old, scarred table, and facing off against a cop who wanted to throw her butt in jail.
“I’m Captain Antonio Young,” the cop said, as he took a step closer to her.
“We know who the hell you are, Tony,” Zane muttered from her side. Because, yeah, they were still handcuffed. Still locked together. Covered in soot and ash, they’d been through fires hotter than those in hell, and they were still cuffed.
The cop—Tony—raised one dark brow. “You know who I am, Ms. Carter?”
Well, she did now, so Jana kept her face expressionless. Oh, she hurt. Every part of her body ached, and she just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep for a week.
Preferably without being handcuffed to a demon.
But at least the cops had sent some food in to her and Zane. Only because of Zane’s connections. Otherwise, Jana knew she never would have gotten those stale doughnuts and that coffee with the grounds floating at the top.
Tony pulled out the chair across from them, and its legs scraped against the floor. “Which one of you wants to tell me what the hell is going on here?”
“If I knew,” Zane said instantly, “I’d tell you.”
Of course, he would. “Good” guys always liked to rat to cops.
“Hmmm.” Tony’s dark eyes dropped to the handcuffs. The metal shined on the top of the table. “Guessing those are P.P.?”
“P.P.?” Was that frog’s croak hers? Great. Her life was fan-damn-tastic.
“Paranormal protected,” he murmured.
So he knew. Good for him. “What are you?” she asked, straining to make her voice stronger. Damn smoke.
His gaze shifted to hers. “I told you already, I’m a police captain.”
His eyes were so dark they almost looked black. The guy had a deep olive skin tone, a perfect face, and a voice like warm honey. “You an incubus?”