Page 43 of Face Your Demon
Jana’s head was pressed against Zane’s chest. She could hear the fierce pounding of his heart, racing so fast.
“Stay behind me,” he murmured, and then he pulled back. They eased down two flights of stairs, going deeper into the bowels of the precinct.
Minutes later, they came out in the garage. Squad cars were scattered around, waiting.
Time to steal another ride?
“Don’t even think about it,” Zane said. “The second we vanish in one of those, every cop in the area will be after us.”
“Then what are we going to do?” Someone would be raising the alarm any minute, she knew it. She knew?—
“See that door? It leads to the alley. Come on, move that sweet ass, baby.”
She hauled ass.
A hard push from Zane, and the door flew open. They stumbled outside. She looked to the left, to the right, and?—
“Damn, hoss, it took you long enough,” a deep voice rumbled and Jana froze. “I was starting to think I’d have to come in and haul your sorry hide out.”
Zane grunted and headed for the big, blond guy—the guy from Night Watch. The shifter who’d gone into the fire with them. He stood next to a green pickup truck with his arms crossed over his chest.
“It’s not as easy to slip out of a police station as it is to slip into one,” Zane said and opened the passenger side door.
Jana jumped in as the blond hurried around the truck and opened the driver’s side door. She had to ask, “How did you know we?—”
“Tony called. He said you needed a ride.” The shifter fired up the engine. “Lucky for you, I was in the neighborhood.”
It’s not the first time we’ve played this game. Huh. The cop really had been helping them.
Zane crowded in on the other side and she was squeezed between the two big, masculine frames. The blond hit the gas, and the truck sped forward. “Got orders from Pak to take you to a safe house. He wants you to stay there until we can get this shit straightened out.”
“How many dead, Jude?” Zane demanded.
Jana licked her lips.
“Five total,” the shifter—Jude—said. “You got the rest out.”
Five people. Why had they died? To teach her a lesson? Her hands fisted and her nails bit into her palms. She’d make sure the bastards paid for this.
“They knew we were coming, Jude,” Zane said and his arm rubbed against hers. Hell, his whole body rubbed against hers. That strong thigh was pressed to her leg.
“They probably tapped the line,” Jana forced herself to say what she suspected.
Jude grunted. “Maybe. Pak’s doing a housecleaning. There’s no way that fire should have started, not with our security systems in place.”
A housecleaning?
Jude turned a hard left, and the truck drove down a long, narrow road. “Lady, if you’re such a badass, why’d you go running into the fire?”
She lifted the cuffs. “I didn’t exactly have much choice.”
Zane’s finger touched the edge of her mouth, and she realized that the right side of her lip had hitched up.
She swallowed.
Zane edged closer to her. His breath feathered over her ear when he said, “As soon as I get you alone, you’re telling me everything. Everything.”