Page 63 of Face Your Demon
Chapter Nine
A good guy? Oh, the woman had it wrong. Very, very wrong. When he’d listened to her story about her dick of a stepfather, the last thing he’d felt was good. If he’d known Jana back then…I would have gotten rid of the bastard for you.
Now he understood so much more about her, and Zane realized that he and Jana were a lot alike. Maybe too much.
So young when we first killed. So much power.
Jana shook her head and stared up at him a bit blankly with all that wild, dark hair loose around her face. “You are a good guy, Zane. You work for Night Watch. You’re a hunter.”
“You mean a licensed killer.” He shrugged and tried to keep his voice careless. Real hard when the woman was making him care more than any other had. “They pay me to hunt, but even if they didn’t, do you really think I’d be doing anything else? Some of us were born to hunt. To kill.” He paused deliberately. “But you know that better than anyone else, don’t you?”
Her pink tongue swiped out again, and his cock hardened. Down, boy. Not now. He hadn’t meant to give in to the lust before. Wrong place, wrong time. But he’d watched her while she’d been out, he’d—dammit, worried—and when she’d woken, he’d wanted.
He wasn’t used to not taking what he wanted. So he’d taken her.
And had one hell of a fine time. But I still want more. With her, I always want more.
What was he going to do about that problem?
A veil seemed to fall over her face. “How’d you get us away from the Feds?”
He shrugged. “It wasn’t that hard.”
“Bullshit. I remember being in front of Dusk.” Her forehead wrinkled. “I remember?—”
“Why did you go there?” he interrupted, inching closer to her. He had the feeling the woman might break and run at any moment, and that wasn’t an option. She wasn’t going to leave him.
She blinked.
“Why’d you go back to Dusk?” That point had been bothering him. “Did you have a contact there?”
Her eyes—such a deep blue—widened. “Guess you could say that.” Her shoulders rolled. “The bastards from Perseus came after us too fast. I knew someone at Dusk must’ve tipped them off about us. Demons aren’t exactly trustworthy.”
He ignored the jibe.
“So I figured if I shook some cages?—”
“You mean started some fires.”
“—that I’d get somebody to talk.” She frowned at him. “And I did. A demon named Morris. The bastard with the scar who turned tail and ran when the fight got hot.”
Excitement had his heart pounding faster. “He gave you a contact?”
“No, I got him to call his contact. I told them if they wanted me, they could find me at the burning den.”
“Fuck. The fire was your beacon?” Not real subtle, but then, she wasn’t exactly a subtle kind of woman.
She smiled at him. And it was a real smile. Warm. Her dimple winked, and he swallowed.
“No, Zane,” she said, “the fire was for you.”
“What?” She could always surprise him.
“I didn’t like the way the demons ganged up on you. I wanted to send a message, and I did.”
“I don’t need you fighting my battles.” He could handle any demon, any day of the week. But she’d gone back to avenge him? That was sweet, in a Jana way. Maybe some girlfriends would cook a guy dinner.
Jana cooked his enemies.