Page 72 of Face Your Demon
“I need to call a friend. He can come and get you. He’ll make sure you’re safe for the night.”
Safe and snug inside Perseus. Just what Zane wanted. Hmmm…maybe they would be opening those doors wide open, making them welcoming for him. The guy had just played Nancy perfectly.
“I’m afraid you won’t be coming with him,” Nancy said, that stare once more landing on Jana’s face. “You get that, don’t you? Your brother needs to be around others who understand him.”
Yeah, this wasn’t part of the plan. Jana blinked and lifted her chin. “I understand him just fine.”
What? Was that pity filling Nancy’s eyes? The last thing she wanted was for that witch to pity her. “Your brother is special,” Nancy told her. “My friends can help him, but if you come—you’ll just be in the way. They don’t have a place for someone like you.”
Because Nancy thought she was simply another human, one without special skills. If she’d been a paranormal, Nancy would be getting ready to send her off—either to use her or to kill her. But a normal human got a pass out of there.
Only she didn’t want the pass this time. She wanted to stay by Zane’s side. The guy might need her. No, he would need her.
“I’m going?—”
“Home,” Zane stated, interrupting her. He turned his head and his eyes met hers. “Go home and wait for me. I want to see what these people have to say. If they can help me…”
Now he was kicking her to the curb, too.
But, wait, wasn’t that supposed to be what she’d wanted? She’d been trying to get away from him since the beginning. Except now she didn’t want to let him out of her sight. She didn’t trust Nancy. Didn’t trust anyone in Perseus. What if Zane wasn’t strong enough to bring them down?
“I’m coming with you.” Her fingers caught his and held tight. “We’re a team, remember?” He’d been watching her back. She’d watch his.
He glanced down at their fingers. Then slowly, carefully, he pulled away from her. “Not this time.”
Shit. The demon was cutting her loose.
This had not been part of the plan. They really should have talked more before storming into the hospital. Maybe agreed to, oh, she didn’t know—not deserting each other.
Nancy opened the door, and the woman had a near-smirk on her face. “Your brother will be fine. Trust me, he’s in good hands.”
The hell he was. But the demon was the one calling the shots and if he wanted to go solo, if he wanted to risk his sexy neck, then who was she to make the idiot see reason?
She rose onto her toes and brushed her lips against his cheek. “Watch yourself,” she cautioned. Then she pulled away. Her steps were slow as she made her way to the door. “You’ll take care of him?” she asked Nancy, casting one last look back at Zane.
“You have my word,” the nurse assured her.
Right. The woman’s word? That wasn’t worth the breath it took to speak.
Jana slipped into the white-tiled hallway. Her shoes squeaked on the floor. She could see her image staring back up at her from the gleaming tile.
Run. Make a break for it. The urge came from deep inside. The demon had told her to go. She could wash her hands of him and break free now. Maybe he’d succeed and take down Perseus. Then she’d just have the FBI jerks on her trail, but she could shake them, no problem. Especially now that she knew they had such a hard-on for her. She’d be hyper-aware of them, and they would not catch her again.
Yes, she could run now. Run, and never look back. Maybe she’d even head to Mexico. Get some sun.
It was the smart thing to do.
He told me to leave.
The exit doors waited for her. A few more steps, and they swished open silently, giving her easy access to the night.
She wasn’t perfect. Far from it and, in that instant, she was tempted. After all, she’d run plenty of times in her life.
An EMT bumped into her, his shoulder clipping her arm.
Running was easy.