Page 75 of Face Your Demon
Davey waited with his brows up. “You ready?”
Hell, yes. Zane rolled his shoulders. He marched behind Davey, weaving through the floats. Dark, massive shadows hung in the air.
He heard the metal door open behind him, a loud screech of sound. Nancy—going to get her air? Davey stopped and turned back to face him. The kid pointed to another door on the left, a wooden one this time. “This is it.”
Fucking finally.
“Glad you’re here, man.” Davey flashed a tired, lopsided smile. “You’re like me. Good to know I’m not the only one.”
The only demon? Not even close.
“My old man said I was evil.” Davey’s chin lifted. “I’m not. We’re not. We couldn’t help the way we were born.”
No, they couldn’t.
“We’re gonna change the world,” Davey said with a quick nod. “Make it so much better.”
Was that really what Perseus was telling its recruits? Because how did killing good people at Night Watch make the world better?
Davey pushed open the door, and Zane got ready to kick ass.
* * *
Getting inside the warehouse was easy. Too easy. Jana found a broken window on the left-hand side of the building and slipped right in.
Then she hesitated because really that should have been harder. Especially if this was the new base camp for Perseus. It should have been?—
“I was wondering how long it would take you to show up.”
Lights flashed on, a blinding explosion of illumination that lit up the warehouse. At the same instant, Nurse Nancy jumped from behind some boxes and grabbed Jana’s arm.
Jana charged up, ready to burn?—
The nurse slammed a needle into her arm. “Didn’t really think I’d forget you, did you, Jana?” The smile on her face chilled Jana’s blood.
Jana wrenched back, but she could already feel the drug sliding through her veins. “How did?—”
“I never forget a face.” Footsteps pounded as others jumped from the shadows. “And certainly not yours. Guess you could say it’s burned into my memory.”
She’d burn her all right. Jana stumbled and slid to her knees. Charge, come on, charge. She shoved the darkness back and demanded, “Where’s?—”
“Your brother?” A laugh. Nancy had the syringe gripped tightly in her hand. “Or rather, the hunter Zane?”
“Don’t worry. We’ve got him just where we want him to be.”
“No!” Charge. She felt the heat build in her body. Build…
And fire shot across the warehouse, seeming to burst from the giant green dragon’s mouth and lunge toward Poseidon.
Come on, come on. She didn’t have much left in her, but she wasn’t going down without a fight. The fire snaked forward and raced toward the two pricks in black who were lifting their guns toward her. Oh, no, they should know better, they should?—
Water burst from the sprinklers overhead. Heavy, gushing waves of water that banked her fire even as she tried to stir it again.
“We planned for your arrival,” Nancy informed her.