Page 77 of Face Your Demon
“We wouldn’t think of leaving dear Jana behind,” Nancy added. “Not when she went to so much trouble to come and join our little party.”
Jana. “You knew who we were. The minute we walked into the hospital, you knew.”
She just stared back at him as drops of water slid down her face.
“Why the hell did you bring me here? So you can try to kill me?” He lifted his chin. “Come try and take your best shot.” If he could distract the chameleons, maybe he would have a chance of getting Jana free.
But no one took his bait, and Nancy, well, she blinked and looked confused. “Why would we want to kill you?” She walked toward him. Her eyes were all wide and fakely earnest. “We want you to join us.”
And she was batshit crazy.
“If you don’t help us, then we’ll make sure that your lover”—her eyes cut to Jana—“begs for death.”
Wasn’t she Miss Sweet Sunshine?
“Come with me,” Davey said again, with steel in his voice. “Come willingly or we’ll drug you, too.”
He spun around at that. “The hell you will.”
“I will.” Davey lifted a gun. Now where had the kid gotten that? He’d been unarmed before.
Zane wondered if he could move fast enough. He couldn’t blast the punk. Usually a demon’s power wouldn’t work on another demon, so he wouldn’t be able to take Davey out psychically but?—
“Don’t try it,” Davey advised. “This drug’s a new mix. The last demon we shot didn’t survive even an hour before the darkness took him.”
Zane weighed him. Davey didn’t look quite so clueless and young anymore.
“We want you alive, Wynter,” Davey stated. “But if you fight us, then you’ll both die.” His lips pulled down.
Aw, the guy sounded like he’d regret that. But he’d still kill us.
Davey held out his hand. “Give me your phone.”
His phone could be tracked by Night Watch. Could be? It had been. They would have followed him after his last call. They’d already know about this place. Zane pulled out his phone and tossed it to the kid.
Davey caught it and instantly smashed the phone in his grip. “Now head to the back. We’ll be going out the southside exit. There’s another car waiting for us.”
Davey lifted one brow. “You didn’t think this was really headquarters, did you? We’re barely above sea level here. Those rooms you saw, that’s all we got here, but the loading area in the back makes for a perfect getaway so no one sees us leave.” The barrel of the gun lowered. “Guess you could say this place is our testing grounds.”
Bastard. Smart.
“Now let’s get the hell out of here.” Davey glanced at the chameleons. “And, shit, Nancy, do something about that one’s face.”
* * *
“We lost him,” Pak said, his voice carrying easily over the phone to Antonio. “His signal just went dead.”
Hell. Antonio glanced over at Jude. The tiger shifter had both hands locked on the wheel. “Give me his last location.”
“A warehouse on Bienville, number 8-1-2.” A pause. “I don’t like this, Tony.”
Join the club.
“If those freaks who torched my building have him…”
“Then they’ve picked the wrong demon to screw with,” Jude rumbled, his shifter hearing easily picking up Pak’s words. “Because no one messes with Zane and gets away with it. The bastard is more lethal than they can imagine.”