Page 79 of Face Your Demon
A high-level demon could easily manage mind control over a human. Zane had never enjoyed the sport because he’d watched what his father had done with that particular power. Watched his mother be abused and tortured from the inside out.
He’d never thought he’d force his way inside a human’s mind, but…
But the bastard had been ready to pull that trigger. He’d wanted to pull it. Jeremy’s thoughts were right there for him to see and feel. Clear as day. The chameleon hated Jana. He’d wanted to put that bullet in her brain more than he’d wanted his next breath.
“You don’t like her because you’re afraid of the fire,” Zane whispered to the bastard. “But you don’t understand. That little kiss she gave you on the cheek is nothing compared to what I can do.” What I’m going to do. He blasted the last thought into Jeremy’s head.
Blood trickled from Jeremy’s nose.
“Get out of his head,” Davey ordered, grabbing Zane’s hand. “Get out or I’m taking her away from you.”
The van braked. The door at the front squeaked open. Zane held his grip on Jeremy’s mind, just a little bit longer. “He doesn’t like you, kid,” he said to Davey. “He thinks demons are too high up on the food chain. At the first chance, he’ll stab you in the back or slit your throat.” It was true. Maybe Davey wasn’t strong enough to get inside the chameleon’s mind or maybe he’d just stayed out because they were both supposed to be on the same twisted side, but the chameleon planned to come gunning for Davey.
For every demon he could find.
“Bastards…killed my f-family…” More blood leaked from Jeremy’s nose. “D-deserve to…”
“Jeremy.” Nancy jabbed a needle into his arm. Ah, Nancy and her needles. He’d have to watch out for her. Jeremy shuddered, then slumped to the side.
The connection ended in an instant.
Davey shoved open the back doors of the van. “Let’s take the party inside.”
Moving carefully, keeping a tight hold on Jana, Zane climbed from the van. One glance and he knew they were outside the city. The swamp. The smell hit him even as the insects chirped, their calls filling the air. The thick, twisting trees of the swamp surrounded them. Two big, metal buildings stretched across the terrain, half hidden by trees and the fog.
“This way.” Davey turned and didn’t even glance back to see if Zane followed.
But with the goon squad behind him, all brandishing their weapons, it wasn’t like he had much of a choice. Well, he did, actually. He just wasn’t taking over this game until he saw all the players up close and real personal. Who waited in those buildings?
“We’ll send someone back for Jeremy.” Ah, so Nancy didn’t care about leaving her attack dog behind. Figured.
Zane tightened his hold on Jana and headed for the first building.
“You’re giving yourself away, you know.” Davey still wasn’t looking back, and his voice was whisper soft. Just for Zane’s ears. “When you show you care about something, someone, it can make you weak.”
“I’m not weak.”
Davey stopped in front of the building. Two guards were there, with guns holstered at their hips. Zane noticed the video cameras set up for surveillance all around the perimeter.
“This used to be an army training area. For training Uncle Sam didn’t want the world to know about.” Davey tossed him a cold smile. “Perseus inherited the facility when the U.S. government forgot about it.”
They went inside the facility and headed down a long, winding hallway. More cameras. Motion sensors. Figured. Big Brother was definitely watching. After a while, they stopped in front of a shining, black door.
“You’re gonna be given a chance in here.” Davey’s shoulders were tense as he stared at Zane. “I’d advise you not to blow it.” Then he knocked softly on the door.
A feminine voice told them to “Come in,” and Zane stepped into the spider’s web.
A blond spider. A pretty spider with dark brown eyes, an elfin face, and a broad smile. A spider who also happened to have raised, red scars on the back of her right hand and the side of her face.
I burned the bitch.
So he’d found his prey. “I guess you’re Beth Parker.”
“I am.” Her head inclined toward him. “And you’re a hard man to catch, Zane Wynter.” She walked around the desk. Her gaze dipped, just for a moment, to Jana’s still body. “But I knew with the right bait, we’d be able to lure you in.”