Page 115 of Slay My Name
* * *
The black SUV fishtailed out of the lot. The two in the vehicle were so intent on their prey that they didn’t glance around. Didn’t take notice of the one watching.
Another mistake.
The key turned and the ignition kicked to life. Trailing them would be too easy.
Killing them—harder. But not impossible. Nothing was impossible.
The slow twang of country music filled the car’s interior, and the vehicle pulled from the concealing shadows.
* * *
“How long until we reach Hueco?” Dee’s voice was steady. The words were the first she’d spoken in the last hour.
Simon kept his foot stomped all the way onto the accelerator. Even burning up the black interstate road, it would still be… “After dawn.” A piss-poor time to go riding into the town. He’d be weak. All the vamps would be.
He and Dee would be outnumbered. Grim would have a full force of guards. Lots of vamps and who knew what else.
“Then if we’ve got nothing to do for the next six hours?—”
Probably longer.
“Why don’t you tell me what’s got your butt in such a twist?”
His knuckles whitened around the wheel. “You didn’t have to drink from him,” he bit out. Your butt in such a twist. Nice.
“I wanted to know if he was coming after me. Us.”
He could still see her mouth on the other man’s wrist. Her lips so red against his skin. Tasting him. Taking him.
The SUV swerved onto the median and Simon yanked the wheel so the vehicle slipped back into the lane. “You took his blood. You linked with him.” Wasn’t it enough that the two of them already had some kind of bond he didn’t understand?
Trust. Yeah, Dee trusted her demon.
“I linked with you, too. I didn’t hear you complaining about it.”
No, that was the problem. He’d all but begged for more. The feel of her lips. Her tongue?—
Good fucking thing the demon had been knocked out.
“I-I thought I had to do it. After what Cat said, I didn’t want him following us.” Quiet, subdued.
Since when was she subdued? What the hell? He slanted her a quick glance and tried to get the crazy bat-shit jealousy under control.
Fear. That’s what it really was. Fear about facing Grim. Because what if the bastard was too strong? And then…cold-eat-your-soul fear that when the battle was over, he’d lose Dee.
One way or another.
When did she become more important than freedom? He cleared his throat and tried to unclench his fingers before he broke the steering wheel. “I thought you didn’t believe the witch.”
A broken sound—could have been a strained laugh or just a long sigh—came from her lips. “Sometimes, I’m not sure what I believe anymore. I shouldn’t have let them leave the city with us. I knew the whole time that was a mistake.”
But the demon had been adamant, and he’d herded the shattered Ignitor and the still-dazed witch with him.
“I tried to sleep at the motel, but I just—I just kept seeing Catalina, surrounded by the fire.”